"So, as long as we check who is missing today, we can know whose identity the killer used."

"Also, I have checked just now that the cleaner who is really responsible for hygiene was trapped in the bathroom on the first floor."

"That's what my investigation infers so far.

In such a short period of time, Fang Ze's infiltration technique can be determined, which is enough to see how good this person is.

Pell's eyes turned cold and he said, "That is to say, the murderer used his identity as someone else to get in here, and then used his identity as a cleaner to kill Jayden."

David nodded and said, "Yes, there is only one possibility."

With the security level of the CIA, it is impossible for anyone in the world to sneak in secretly.

You can only use your legal identity to sneak in.

The office is quiet.

For a while, no one spoke.

After a while, Pell glanced at David and said, "How long do you need?"

David smiled slightly and said, "Half a month."

"You'll see him in half a month."

Smile with confidence.

There was also a hint of excitement.

It seems that it is rare to encounter a decent opponent.

Hearing this, Peir's face softened a little, and he nodded: "Okay, I can rest assured of your ability."

"Remember, try to live as much as possible."

David: "Okay."

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 589 Blockade of the airport port [2]

At three o'clock in the afternoon: .

On a certain street, a black van came quickly from a distance and stopped on the side of the road.

The door opened, David got out of the car quickly, and came to the door with several agents.

Boom boom boom! David raised his hand and knocked on the door, then waited three seconds3.

After three seconds 3 passed, David took a step back without any hesitation and made a gesture to his opponent.

The meaning is obvious: break the door directly.

After receiving the order, several agents stepped forward and skillfully broke the door lock.

Bang! The door was kicked open, and everyone filed in.

As soon as he entered the door, the one who came into sight was Ryan lying on the sofa.

It seems to be asleep.

David turned around.

After staring at Ryan for a while, David said, "Ryan."



After shouting three times, Ryan didn't wake up.

Seeing this, David stepped forward, grabbed the water glass on the table, and slammed it on the other's face.

Under the stimulation of the cold water, Ryan shuddered and finally opened his eyes.

"You bastard! Me"

Ryan seemed to be still in a circled state, with an angry expression on his face, he scolded when he opened his mouth.

But after seeing the figure in front of him, his voice stopped.

"who are you"

Apparently, he didn't know David.

Although they are both incumbents of the CIA, the two sides do not have any intersection at all.

I don't know, it's normal.

David frowned as he looked at Ryan, who was embarrassed in front of him, and said, "I'm David from the Intelligence Department."

Hearing this, Ryan was stunned for a moment, then got up quickly and said, "Mr. David! There is a situation!"

"I'm being controlled!"

"He wants to use my identity to infiltrate the CIA! I don't know what purpose!"

"hurry up"

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