Hearing this, David raised his hand and interrupted Ryan.

"It's too late."

He said: "This person used your identity to enter the CIA and kill our special counsel: Jayden."

Lane's expression changed immediately.

"What did you say!"

"He infiltrated the CIA for the purpose of assassination and it was only the second day!"

David said calmly: "Yes, I ran away, I have a few questions for you."

After a few seconds of silence, Ryan couldn't help patting himself.

I don't know if it was to make myself more sober and to blame myself for the killing of my colleague.

David ignored Ryan's emotional state and said, "Describe this person, the more detailed the better."

He had no plans to hold Ryan accountable.

A person who has the courage and strength to do this can't be stopped by a mere warehouse keeper.

The power gap is too great.

The primary goal now is to first determine the identity of the other party and the escape route.

This is important.

Facing David's question

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, Ryan took a deep breath and said, "He is from China!"


Hearing this sentence, David's eyes narrowed.

"Huaxia people are you sure"

Ryan said solemnly: "Very sure!"

"He blocked me in the parking lot and forced me to bring him here."

"I had already guessed he was going to infiltrate the CIA, but I couldn't do anything!"

"I'm no match for this person at all."

David was noncommittal.

Isn't this nonsense.

If you were his opponent, you wouldn't be a mere warehouse keeper in the CIA.


David opened his mouth.

Ryan nodded and said, "Male, about twenty-five to thirty years old."

"Outstanding skills, calm and unpretentious in doing things."

"I guess it's an agent sent by Huaxia!"

David's expression did not change, and said, "Is there any more?"

Ryan frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, I can only tell you his appearance, nothing else is clear."

Hearing this, David nodded.

That's what he came for.

As for the rest, I don't hold out much hope.



David recited these words silently.

He knows about Jayden lurking in China.

Now the other party is coming to assassinate.

There is definitely a connection between the two.

Then here comes the problem.

According to Jayden, he was not arrested in Huaxia, and his identity was not revealed.

How big is the country.

How did the other party know that Jayden's mole in the CIA wouldn't.

Every person in the CIA has gone through layers of identity verification.

Including lower-level characters like Ryan.

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