There is absolutely no chance that there will be spies from other countries.

How did the other party's news come about? After thinking about it for a while to no avail, David turned his head and said, "From now on, the airport and port will be closely reviewed. As long as the passport is issued, all of them will be detained."

"Yes, Mr. David."

Someone took the order, and then immediately went to issue a notice.

Standing in place, David stroked his eyebrows habitually.

Although there are no clues now, he is not in a hurry.

Domestic crime is different from transnational crime.

The former only needs to survive in their own country, and it is hard to find them hiding in nooks and crannies.

For the latter, you need to find a way to leave the country.

or a plane.

or a ship.

or smuggling.

Now that the nationality of the other party is determined, then things are easy to handle.

"I want to go back."

"Since you're here, don't leave."

Chapter 590 Who are you? 【1】

8 p.m. that night.

City International Airport.

A young man in a brown trench coat and a light blue baseball cap stepped out of the taxi.

He kept his head down slightly, because the brim of his hat made it difficult for others to see his face.

This is common, and nothing surprising.

The young man, holding a bag in his hand, walked straight to the registration office without pausing.

Registration is required before going through security.

This is the standard procedure for flying.

Today is neither a holiday nor a weekend, so there are not many people around.

The huge airport seems a bit empty.

"Hello, register."

The young man came to the counter and said politely.

"Ok sir."

The lady at the front desk smiled slightly and took the certificate of the young man.

At this moment, he did not know that the entire airport was under strict surveillance.

Not only the airport, but all the ways to leave the country have been taken over by the CIA.

Under such circumstances, it is basically impossible for Ze to leave.

In other words, he was trapped in the country.

"Is Mr. Fang Ze right?"

The front desk spoke up.

The young man slowly raised his head, revealing an angular face.

It was Fang Ze without a doubt.

He said, "Yes."

"Ok sir."

There was always a smile on the front desk.

After confirming that the passenger's identity information and procedures were correct, she returned the certificate to Fang Ze and said, "It's alright."

"Go straight after the security check, follow the guide sign to find the boarding gate and wait."

Fang Ze put away the documents and said, "Thank you."

After speaking, he turned and left the registration office.

The next second Fang Ze left, the smile on the front desk lady's face subsided, and she quickly picked up the landline next to her.

"The target appears, it's time to act."

On the other side, David also received a notice: the murderer left by plane, all the information is completely consistent.

His first reaction was doubt.

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