However, without any hesitation, David immediately drove towards the airport.

He also gave the order: Immediately.

Arrest! At this moment, Fang Ze has passed the security check.

he doesn't know

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The truth is that a huge net is surrounding him

Waiting room.

Fang Ze sat in the chair, bored out and played with his mobile phone.

Not far away, a dozen people suddenly appeared and gathered in a fan shape.

They are not ready to use guns.

Since the other party passed the security check, there should be no weapons on them.

This is also the reason why he had to wait for Fang Ze to pass the security check before arresting him.

Being able to sneak into the CIA quietly and kill people is self-evident.

Fang Ze has been listed as an international danger by the CIA.

The footsteps were light, but fast.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.

Fang Ze didn't seem to notice, and was still playing with his phone.

ten meters.

nine meters

Three meters! The next moment, someone suddenly attacked and rushed towards Fang Ze.

Fang Ze's reaction was very slow, and when his body was caught, he was suddenly taken aback.


"do not move!"

"be honest!!"

Several people rushed up, grabbed Fang Ze's shoulders, and pressed him firmly to the cold ground.


Fang Ze's face was close to the ground, and he spoke inarticulately.

There was doubt and shock in his eyes.

Soon, Fang Ze was handcuffed by the backhand.

"take away!"

Several people pulled Fang Ze up and escorted him out of the waiting room.

Twenty minutes later, David arrived.

He jumped out of the car and trotted all the way to the small dark room at the airport.

There is a temporary detention facility at the airport.

Pushing open the door, David glanced at it, his eyes fixed on the corner.

A young man was squatting there with his head down.

Seeing this, David frowned.

"Mr. David."

"Mr David"

The agent in the room said hello.

David did not respond, but went straight to Fang Ze.

Fang Ze also raised his head and looked at David.

For a while, no one spoke.

After a while, David took a deep breath and said coldly, "You are not Fang Ze, who are you!"

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 591 The two sides join forces [1]

"what not"

"No way"

Hearing David's words, several agents next to each other looked at each other.

This person's documents have been checked, and the identity is basically confirmed, and it is Fang Ze who is right.

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