This is very important for the CIA and for the entire country.

Once Fang Ze was allowed to leave safely, the fun would be great.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Nick spoke up.

So far, Fang Ze has begun to face a three-way roundup.



Blood gang.

Such a dense net, I am afraid no one can escape

At this moment, Fang Ze didn't know anything about these things.

He is really in Luoshan City.

The analysis results of so many elites add up to the truth.

As long as he starts operations in Luoshan City, it will be exposed immediately

At a remote pier, Fang Ze was negotiating with a black man.

Talk about smuggling.

Nick was right, he did analyze the CIA's analysis of him.

Moreover, he did feel the urgency of time.

The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for him.

"Three Days"

Fang Ze's eyes flickered.

The black man seemed a little impatient, and said, "In three days at the fastest, can I walk?"

Fang Ze stared at him for a while, then said lightly, "Price."

The other party stretched out five fingers.

Fang Ze raised his brows: "Five thousand"

The black man sneered and said, "Fifty thousand!"

For this number, Fang Ze smiled and said, "Okay, the deal."

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Chapter 593 Mutual Analysis, Competing in Space [1]

After the deal was concluded, Fang Ze didn't go anywhere.

Instead, I found a hidden bridge hole nearby and prepared to finish the three days.

For Fang Ze, this difficulty is nothing.

The first thing he needs to consider now is safety.

According to Fang Ze's inference, the Siaburg prison escape incident could not be concealed.

The man who was in charge of arresting by the CIA, that is, the man who appeared at the airport before, should have known.

When people from two departments need to arrest the same person, what happens is very simple: the two sides join forces.

That is for sure.

In addition, the fact that he helped Axe escape from prison could not escape their eyes.

Based on this, it is not difficult to analyze that Ax is the one who provided him with information.

Then, the CIA and the police department will put pressure on the blood gang in the first place.

From Ax, I hope to get more information about myself.

Can the blood gang make friends? Probably not.

There are two reasons for this.

First, Ax is the second-in-command of the Blood Gang and has a very high status.

This is not something to say casually.

Second, it is not difficult to see from Ax's position in Siaburg Prison that even if he is imprisoned, his connections have not weakened.

It shows that in the outside world, Akers still has some prestige.

Therefore, the blood gang will not easily make friends.

Of course, gangsters are gangsters, and it is absolutely impossible to fight against the state officials.

Head-to-head behavior is courting death.

The question is, how does the leader of the blood gang do the transaction.

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