Regardless of

When trading is always the most appropriate and concise method.

As for the chips, it's easier to guess.

With the power of the blood gang, it is no problem to find someone in the country.

Fang Ze is now confident that the blood gang should have joined forces with the CIA.

In other words, he is now facing a three-way roundup.

Although it is only an inference, it is not far from the ten, 89.

He had to plan for the worst.

"Blood Gang"

Leaning in the dark bridge hole, Fang Ze's eyes flickered.

China is one of the top smuggling countries in the world.

And Luoshan City is the most smuggled city in China.

Smuggling is a very profitable way.

The blood gang should not let it go.

Going here rashly today is a very risky act.

However, there is a timing issue involved here.

The blood gang is not much slower than the CIA.

This is the opportunity.

Fang Ze is now destined to win at risk.

Either way, it's dangerous.

Must try.

It is better to face the blood gang than to face the people from the CIA.

No matter how powerful a non-governmental organization is, it is only a non-governmental organization.

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Compared with the strength and the special agent, it will not be an order of magnitude.

While thinking, Fang Ze slowly closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep.

For him, there is no safe place in the country.

He must be vigilant at all times to ensure that he can make a crisis response in an instant

Time flies, and three days have passed.

A document was sent to David's office.

Nick is also there.

David glanced at the document and smiled.

He turned to look at Nick and said, "I found it."

Hearing this, Nick slowly got up and said, "Luoshan City"

"That's right."

David nodded and said, "This guy is very smart and courageous."

"Knowing that Luoshan City is the most dangerous, but still chooses to smuggle there."

"It seems that the most dangerous place is really regarded as the safest place."

Nick said: "Is the news reliable?"

David said: "It is absolutely reliable, the portraits have come out, and they are basically the same."

"This guy paid fifty thousand."

"The ship departs on time at midnight tonight."

Hearing this, Nick picked up his jacket and said, "Let's go, close the net."

"and many more"

David raised his hand and stopped Nick.

Nick turned back and said, "What's wrong?"

David pondered slightly and said, "He should know that we are joining forces."

For this question, Nick said without hesitation: "It should be, it's easy to think of."


David nodded and continued: "Then Ax's matter must also be within his consideration."

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