Although he is not out of danger right now, neither Shadow nor Fang Ze have any intention of panic.

Fang Ze's strength naturally needs to be said.

And Shadow is a genius with high IQ who plays cat-and-mouse games with the police all the year round.

Possess strong strength and superb anti-reconnaissance skills.

If it wasn't for Fang Ze at that time, maybe the shadow is still active in the country now.

Such two people are naturally extremely powerful in their psychology and quality.

Even in the face of the pursuit of senior state workers, he still did not change his face.

Looking at the dark shadow driving calmly, Fang Ze repeated, "Why are you here?"

"Also, how do you know I'm in the country?"

He was really weird.

It stands to reason that only Zhou Lao and himself know about coming to the country.

What is the situation of this shadow and Fang Ze questioned for the second time, after a while of silence, the shadow said: "I didn't do what you said at the beginning, sorry."

Hearing this, Fang Ze raised his brows and said, "What do you mean?"

Shadow said: "In the beginning, you asked me to leave this country."

"I was planning to do that too."

"But when I was in Zhongnan, I came across this serial rape and murder case."

Fang Ze looked at the shadow, his eyes moved slightly, and said, "Then you found it"

Shadow said: "I started investigating the second case."

"It wasn't until the third girl died that I targeted the Central South University of Science and Technology."


"I'm not sure who the killer is."

"Until the fourth dead person shows up."

Hearing this, Fang Ze said: "You want to kill the murderer and then leave"

Shadow nodded: "That's right."

At the mention of the murderer, Shadow's eyes became: sharpened.

"Four blossoming lives, tortured to death, shouldn't this kind of people be killed?"

For this sentence, Fang Ze was rarely silent.

This time, he couldn't use the law to refute Shadow.

Because of what he did, the nature was almost the same as that of Shadow.

It's just a different degree.

China's laws have no effect on Jayden.

Fang Ze retracted his gaze.

After a while, he spit out softly: "Should kill."

Hearing these two words, the shadow revealed that Fang Ze and him were actually the same type of person.

It's just that one is an outlaw and the other is a law enforcer.

Maybe Fang Ze was right.

Huaxia does not need extrajudicial enforcers.

After getting to know Fang Ze, Shadow realized this and changed his mind.

"You know I'm coming to the country"

Shadow nodded, "Yes."

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"I got information from you going to Szaborg Prison, then infiltrated the CIA and killed Jayden, I know that."

"I also guessed that you would use Ontario International Airport to leave, but"

Shadow didn't say anything.

He turned his head and glanced in the rearview mirror.

Several cars are still chasing, and the speed is very fast.

It can be seen that what the other party got should be a death order.

At all costs, we must not let: Fang Ze leave the country alive.

"That guy from the CIA is quite smart, and he can accurately judge your intentions in such a short period of time."

Fang Ze was also looking at the rearview mirror.

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