He said slowly, "I underestimate him."

"It's hard to leave the country later."

Hearing this, Shadow's face was slightly solemn, and he said, "It's not difficult, it's impossible."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Fang Ze and said with a smile, "Captain Fang, I'm afraid you will accompany me to wander in the country for a long time to come."

The shadow is very clear, Fang Ze has only one chance.

If one misses a hit, the CIA will expand its alert range again.

And even seek help from the military.

Under such circumstances, no one can leave the country safely.

Not even Fang Ze.

This is not to look down on Fang Ze, but a fact.


As long as he doesn't leave the country, it's easy for Fang Ze's strength to ensure that he won't be caught.

In terms of anti-tracking ability, Shadow knew that Fang Ze must be stronger than him.

Regarding Shadow's conclusion, Fang Ze raised his brows and said, "I'm not interested in wandering."

Shadow glanced at Fang Ze and did not continue the topic.

No matter how careful the mind is, it also needs room to play.

In the face of a closed country with no dead ends, unless you can cross the Pacific Ocean by yourself and swim back to China.

Bang bang bang! Suddenly, gunshots sounded.

Shadow came back to his senses and drove seriously, while looking at the rearview mirror.

Now is not the time to discuss these.

Behind, there are chasers! "Who is the CIA responsible for catching you?"

Shadow couldn't help asking.

To be able to force Fang Ze to this level, the other party is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Fang Ze took out a cigarette, lit it casually, and said, "I don't know, my name is David."

Shadow: "I guess he has called for help now, is it still safe?"

Fang Ze let out a puff of smoke and said, "Our driving trajectory must be located. After a while, I'm afraid the interceptor will arrive."

Shadow looked at the road ahead and frowned: "Then why can't we just sit still."

Fang Ze didn't answer.

He's thinking of a perfect escape route

Chapter 600 Jedi [1]

five minutes later.

"Fang team, if you don't make a decision, it will be too late."

Shadow said while driving.

He thought that his driving skills were already very good, but he still couldn't get rid of the chasing soldiers behind him.

This shows that the opponent's driving skills are also unusual.

The National Intelligence Agency is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

If it goes on like this, it will be sooner or later to be surrounded.

Fang Ze still did not respond.

He is looking at his phone.

On the phone, there is a map of the surrounding area.

The map shows that the Anluo International Airport has a radius of more than ten kilometers, which is an endless plain area, far away from the downtown area.

There is only a small forest nearby, close to the coast.

This is related to the construction conditions of the airport.

The furthest mountain range is fifty kilometers away.

It is impossible to go into the mountains to avoid being pursued.

It will be blocked by the opponent halfway.

Being pursued in such an open area is a very dangerous thing.

It is easy to form a surrounding circle.

must be dealt with.

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