That should be the end of the forest.

If it goes further, it is estimated to be flat or cliff.

Continuing on, there is a coastline.

As long as you enter the sea, make sure you have no physical strength

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It will be overdrawn, and you can leave the Nuoqi Forest smoothly.

As for what to do in the future and how to return to China, we can only take a step by step.

Right now, there are no good plans for the time being.

But there is no way out.

Fang Ze believed that there would always be a point that the other party could not have imagined.

Beside, Shadow breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to face the heavily armed national army unless he had to.

With his strength, it's basically no different from courting death.

As for Fang Ze, he doesn't know.

"We will part ways in a while, goodbye by fate."

"By the way, thank you for your help."

Fang Ze quickened his pace and said as he walked.

As they approached the sea, their tense nerves relaxed a lot.

Hearing this, Shadow smiled and said, "I'll give you the contact information. If you need it, call me at any time."

He knew that although he could escape from the pursuit without risk today, in the future, Fang Ze would face more and more challenges.

If one is not careful, it is the result of a guest dying in a foreign land.

Whether it can really leave the country smoothly, the shadow thinks it is really a matter of two things.

After all, Fang Ze is only one person, and there is no helper.

Hearing this, Fang Ze was silent for a while, then said: "Forget it, it is convenient and safe to do things alone."


Shadow turned to look at Fang Ze, and said speechlessly: "I said Fang team, you don't take me as a burden, right?"

With a half-joking tone, Fang Ze shook his head and laughed, and said, "You think too much."

"With your strength and brains, you are fully qualified to be a special agent in China, or a senior police officer."

"Unfortunately, he has a major criminal record and acts madly and unreliably."

This is not a sarcasm, but a real pity.

From a detective's point of view, Shadow is the most capable of the people he has ever met.

Whether it is Wu Fei Shen Kai, or Tai Wei from Zhongnan, etc., none of them can compare with them.

Choosing such a path is really burying talents.

Fang Ze's words made Shadow shrug indifferently and said, "Maybe."

"I'm not...a police officer."

"By the way, do you think I can go back in the future?"

Fang Ze glanced at the shadow and said, "Don't even think about it."

"Well, well, I'm just talking casually."

Shadow is a little embarrassed.

Compared with wandering abroad, he of course prefers his motherland.

It's a pity that there are too many lives on his shoulders.

Although the people who killed themselves deserved what they deserved, as Fang Ze said: Huaxia does not need extrajudicial executors.

While chatting, the two rushed out of the forest.

Fifty meters ahead is a shoal, and then there is the sea.

Soon, the two will be out of danger.

But the moment Fang Ze stepped out of the forest, his brows immediately wrinkled.

The shadow beside him was also slightly condensed.

"Fang team, did you hear anything?"

Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "I heard that, we may be in big trouble."

"David, this guy really spared no expense!"

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