Shadow took a deep breath and said uncertainly, "This voice is"

As soon as his voice fell, the large area of ​​sea in front of him instantly brightened.

That is a searchlight with a wide range! Fang Ze bit and said every word: "Cruiser! And there are more than one!"

He never imagined that in such a short period of time, David's fellow could be transferred to the navy! This is bad.

The originally perfect escape route has now turned into two sides without dead ends, flanking!

Chapter 604: One Touch [1]

Noch Forest.

Edge Beach.

Fang Ze and Shadow stood here, looking at the flickering lights on the sea in the distance.

The lights are separated by a kilometer.

That is to say, every one thousand meters, there is a sea cruiser! All the surrounding sea areas have been completely surrounded.

Once they choose to jump into the sea, it is the end of death without a place to be buried.

The two of them stood silently, holding pistols.

For a while, no one spoke.

They only have two pistols.

Behind him is a heavily armed national army company.

In front, is a large naval vessel with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

In Shadow's view, there is no possibility of confrontation with this at all.

Not so much the army.

Flesh and blood, how to face the cruiser face-to-face is just a small point of firepower, which can make them shattered to pieces.

"This time it's really over."

After half a sound, the shadow spoke slowly.

While speaking, he turned to look at Fang Ze.

In the solemn voice, there is a taste of seeing death as home, and there is a hint of helplessness.

Only, there is no fear and panic.

He is a man with a strong mind.

Even if you are about to see death, you will not have the slightest timidity.

He knew that Fang Ze must be the same.

At this moment, Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated violently several times.

It can be seen that his heart is not at peace now.

No matter how hard he counted, he never thought that David, this guy, really tried his best to kill him.

Although the CIA is a special department in China, it may not be easy to mobilize the army and navy at the same time in a short period of time.

David, it is estimated that he paid a lot.

There is only one purpose: to stay in the Noch Forest forever.

The other party had no intention of catching him alive at all.


Without any hesitation, Fang Ze signaled Shadow to leave the coast immediately.

Fighting with a cruiser is something only a lunatic would do.

All they can do is retreat to the forest and face the army of that company.

Of course, Shadow knew this very well, and quickly left the place following Fang Ze.

Shortly after they left, the entire coastline was quickly visited

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shrouded in lights.

Let alone a person, even a bird can see clearly.

The only way out was already blocked.

On the other side, Brown and his soldiers reduced the encirclement to less than one square kilometer.

That is to say, every second after that, Fang Ze and the two may have a confrontation with the pursuers behind them.

Life and death, it is very possible that in an instant

Four in the morning.

"Fang team, we can only do our best."

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