The opponent obviously lost patience and began to use grenades, intending to form a small bombing area and directly blow Fang Ze to death.

The impact of the explosion spread to Fang Ze.

Fang Ze felt a pain in his face, and his body flew out several meters and rolled to the ground.

Fortunately, he escaped in time, and he was fine.

After standing up quickly, Fang Ze found the cover again and avoided the flying bullets.

"This time it's really a big game."

Fang Ze was still in the mood to joke about himself.

Just to hunt down a murderer, I didn't expect that it would eventually turn into being rounded up by the Quartet.

Bang! It's the sound of a pistol.

"There's another one here!"


Suddenly, an angry shout sounded.

After hearing the sound, Fang Ze quickly turned sideways to check.

Not far ahead, more than a dozen people started chasing to the right.

Don't think about it, it's definitely a shadow.

"This idiot!"

Fang Ze couldn't help but curse.

Letting the other party hide is not... selfless dedication, because he is confident that he will not be killed.

Although Shadow can entangle with the criminal police in China, there is still a big gap between the criminal police and the soldiers.

Especially in actual combat.

With the shadow's ability, it is impossible to face a large number of national soldiers.

Isn't that looking for death?

After observing for a while, Fang Ze was about to go to support, but was pushed back by the dense bullets.

Now, the encirclement has been infinitely reduced, and his range of activities is completely limited.

Moreover, he does not think that the navy on the cruiser will really sit idly by.

Once you land on the shore and form an encirclement behind you again, the trouble will be even greater.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Ze took off the grenade and pulled out the insurance.

His ears moved slightly, judging the direction of the enemy.

After a few seconds, Fang Ze turned sideways and quickly threw the grenade out.

"Watch out for grenades!"

"Back off!"

Boom! The explosion sounded.

Taking advantage of the aftermath of the explosion, Fang Ze immediately left the place and chased in the direction of the shadow's escape.

Chapter 606 Death of Shadow [2]

The gunfire has not stopped.

Not only Shadow, but someone behind Fang Ze continued to chase.

In such a small area, once the two sides meet each other, it is impossible to hide them perfectly.

Even if you can hide, it is temporary and will be discovered soon.

Therefore, the two of them must maintain a high degree of tension at all times.

Da-da-da! Bullets rained down from behind.

Fang Ze used the tree to dodge back and forth, and the bullet hit the tree trunk, causing countless debris.

During the period, Fang Ze took out a 1 grenade again, pulled out the insurance, and threw it backhand without even looking at it.

Boom! With an explosion, smoke billowed everywhere, and the speed of the opponent's pursuit was slowed down.

Taking advantage of this gap, Fang Ze quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The surroundings were quiet again, only not far ahead, there were shouts and occasional gunshots.

The shadow is there.

Fang Ze kept his footsteps and continued to run in the direction from which the voice came.

"He's out of bullets!"

"Come around!"

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