Hearing these two sentences, Fang Ze's expression changed slightly and he accelerated.

He knew that Shadow had no experience in jungle guerrilla warfare at all.

As long as the two sides meet, they will be in a desperate situation in a short time.

Is it too late? On the other side, Shadow looked at the empty magazine in his hand and smiled helplessly.

"Having attracted so many people, the pressure on the team's side can be expected to be much less."

"I can help a little bit"

"It's a pity, I guess they all have to die here."

In the face of being surrounded by a company, he didn't think Fang Ze could leave.

Unless you are lucky.

But it's a bit ridiculous to leave life and death to luck.

"I took my own life for a foreign murderer"

"This Fang Ze is very similar to me."

"If it weren't for an antagonistic relationship, maybe they could become very good friends."

Shadow whispered to himself.

The footsteps were getting closer.

"do not move!"

"stand up!"

Several rifles pointed at the shadow and surrounded him tightly.

Shadow raised his eyelids and scanned the people around him.

The standard camouflage uniform, the advanced equipment, and the murderous look in his eyes.

It should be said, not to mention, the combat effectiveness of the national army is indeed very strong.

In the case of lack of equipment, one-to-one still has the certainty of winning, and there is no hope for one-to-many.

"stand up!"

One person shouted again.

Shadow stood up slowly, raised the corner of his mouth, and said in English: "I want to catch it alive"

One of them stepped forward and kicked Shadow's stomach.

"be honest!"

Shadow groaned and bent down in pain.

But his eyes were always on: looking at the waist of the soldier in front of him.

There are a few grenades hanging there.

The next moment, he made a lightning strike and accurately grabbed the safety of the grenade.

Keng! The fuse is broken and pulled open.

"Go to hell you!"

Shadow cursed, turned around and ran.

Gunshots sounded.

Da Da Da Da! The bullet penetrated the body of the shadow, and the footsteps stopped abruptly.



Boom! The explosion sounded.

Several soldiers flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Some died, some avoided a distance, but were still stunned.

In the empty land, a mess.

Shadow lay on the ground, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Two bullets hit him in the heart, and it was only a matter of time before he died.


Fang Ze was late.

When he heard the explosion, he felt bad.

I didn't expect it to be really late.

"Didn't I tell you to hide!"

Fang Ze ran to Shadow's side, squatted on the ground, and spoke angrily.

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