Although Shadow is a murderer, the people he kills are all well-deserved.

If it is placed in ancient times, it can be regarded as a chivalrous man who punishes evil and promotes good.

The method is wrong.

If possible, he didn't want the other party to die.

There are not many people like Shadow in this world.

"It's not my character to hide"

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Shadow said intermittently.

Seeing the shadow getting weaker and weaker, Fang Ze quickly helped him up and leaned against the tree trunk beside him.

He checked Shadow's injury, but after finding this, Fang Ze's brows furrowed tightly.

He didn't expect to come to the country this time, and he would also suffer a life.

"You really shouldn't have come."

Fang Ze spoke in a deep voice and said, "With my strength, it's useless no matter how many of them come."

Hearing this, Shadow turned his head with difficulty, looked at Fang Ze and said, "Aren't you a criminal police officer?"

Fang Ze was silent for a while, then said, "I'm not just a criminal policeman."

"I'm still the instructor of the elite special police training."

"It's also a major general of the Huaxia military."

"Also once, led China's most mysterious No. [-] special team to perform tasks."

Shadow froze.

Fang Ze continued: "In the previous hijacking incident, the person on the plane was also me."

"Beyond that, there are many things."

"My strength is far from simple as you see it on the surface."

"Do you understand?"

"Do you think you should come?"

Shadow's complexion is a little more exciting, and his eyes are a little brighter.

"It was so"

"It's really not wrong to plant it in your hands at the beginning."

"The daring and daring criminal policeman is your part-time job"

Fang Ze did not speak.

He was already feeling the shadows, and he was getting weaker and weaker.

The vitality is passing by at an extremely fast speed.

In a few minutes, he will be dead.

He has no choice.

This is fatal injury.

"Thank you for telling me this"

Shadow opened his mouth.

Fang Ze sighed.

He just didn't want the shadow to leave without knowing anything.

"I didn't expect that there would still be people like you in the country."

"It's really worth getting to know you"

"It's a pity I didn't become friends"

"Can't talk about wine!"

Having said that, Shadow looked at Fang Ze again and said, "You won't die, will you?"

Fang Ze shook his head: "No, I still don't care about these people."

Shadow smiled hard and said: "Yes"

"But you have one shortcoming, you have a lot of scruples, and you are soft-hearted."

"I was on a construction site before, if you did it, wouldn't I have to die?"

Hearing this, Fang Ze's brows furrowed even deeper.

"Hehe, just kidding, don't mind"

Of course he wasn't blaming Fang Ze.

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