He was also really joking.

After all, he came on his own initiative and has nothing to do with Fang Ze.

"Fang Ze"

Shadow called out his real name.

Fang Ze raised his head.

Shadow stared at him and said: "The stronger the strength, the greater the ability, you should be sharper."

"This is the country, that person wants your life"

Speaking of the last word, the light in the shadow's eyes became more and more dim.

Fang Ze's right hand clenched tightly.

Although Shadow was his former suspect, but today, he died because of him.

"Are we friends?"

Shadow's weak voice sounded.

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Of course."

"That's good"

Shadow nodded and slowly closed his eyes.

"Unfortunately, you said you didn't wait for me to return to China after today."

"It's okay, next life."

After saying this, Shadow slowly lowered his right hand.

"I don't regret entering China in this life"

Hearing this sentence, Fang Ze suddenly raised his head.

Shadow exhausted his last strength, opened his mouth slightly and said, "I will still be a Chinese in the next life."

After saying the last word, the shadow's life, completely gone, just leaned against the tree trunk so softly.

Seeing Shadow's complete death, Fang Ze's face suddenly became: extremely calm, like stagnant water.

Just between the eyebrows, a suffocation began to condense.


"It's not a good thing to be soft-hearted."

While speaking, Fang Ze slowly turned his head and looked at the darkness deep in the jungle.

There, the noisy footsteps can be heard vaguely

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Chapter 609 Leaving [1]

"What's the matter!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, David's mind was a little confused for a while.

Could it be said that Fang Ze, with only one person's strength, destroyed the company under Brown's team? How could it be possible that Brown was already running to him when he was stunned for a few seconds.

And the shadow behind him became clearer and clearer.

It was Fang Ze without a doubt! "What are you still doing!"

"Don't run fast!!!"

Brown's roar came to his face.

The next moment, the gun went off.

Bang! A bullet roared and hit the back of Brown's head exactly.

Brown's movements were immediately frozen in place.

He widened his eyes and stared at David who was a few steps away from him.

The key point: being pierced by bullets, his vitality is rapidly draining.

"I was tricked by you"

"This kid is a world class soldier"

Before he finished speaking, Brown fell to the ground and died completely.

David was shocked, looked at Brown who fell to the ground in astonishment, and then raised his head to look forward.

Da-da-da! The gunshots sounded again.

The remaining soldiers fell to the ground.

Including the men around him who were about to draw their guns and fight back! David didn't move.

His head was blank now, and he just stared at Fang Ze blankly, raising his gun to shoot.

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