Fang Ze did not attack him, but launched a bloody cleanup on the people around him.

As long as the agents and police are alive, they are all Fang Zebiao.

After a minute.

The gunfire stopped.

Feeling the silence around him, David seemed to finally come to his senses, and hurriedly took out his pistol.

Bang! "Ah!!"

The pistol fell to the ground, and David clutched his bloody right arm and leaned against the car behind.

Fang Ze held a rifle in one hand and walked over.

The dark and hard muzzle pressed against David's head.

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As long as Fang Ze gently pulls the trigger, David's life will end.


David sweated on his forehead, glanced at the corpses on the floor, and looked at Fang Ze with some horror.

He would never have thought that an ordinary hunt for murder would make him meet such a terrifying person! Since the other party has such strength, why didn't he make a move before, wouldn't he think there were too few people! At this moment, Fang Ze spoke up.

He calmly looked at David in front of him and said, "I have no intention of killing people, I just want to leave the country."

"It seems that you are not willing to let me go."

Hearing this, David said coldly: "You killed an important person in the CIA, how could you let you go?"

Fang Ze said lightly: "That's a scum. We raped and killed several girls in China. I'm just cleaning up the scum."

David's eyes narrowed.

He didn't know about this.

But Rao is like this, the people above, it is impossible for a foreign agent to be so rampant.

This is not a personal issue.

It's a national issue.

"I'll save you a little life today."

"If you still want to kill me, just come."

"I won't try to leave the country for three days."

"Since you are courting death, then I'm welcome."

After Fang Ze left a sentence, he threw away the rifle in his hand.

He got into a car and walked away.

Behind him, only David was left.

Around, there is no life left.

Looking at the taillights of the car that were quickly moving away, David's facial muscles trembled rapidly.

A person with such strength will never be just an ordinary agent.

The identity of the other party is probably not trivial.

It's not up to him to decide if he really wants to keep going head-to-head.

He needs to inform the superior immediately of the situation here

Chapter 610 News from all parties [2]

Two days later.

nine in the morning.

City, Corner Tower.

Defense Office.

Behind the desk, a middle-aged man with glasses sat there, casually looking at the documents in his hand.

His attention was clearly not on the file, as if he was waiting for something.

On the sofa on the other side, David was very cautious and at the same time very uneasy.

When he reported everything, he was "invited" right away

got here.

What will happen after that, he doesn't know.

In short, the pursuit of things, it is estimated that he does not need to worry about.

The atmosphere in the office was very quiet, the man with glasses ignored David and waited patiently.

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