There is a way to leave the country: that is to fly away by plane or ship."

"Obviously, he chose the former!"

Hearing this, Robert still had a calm expression on his face, and said, "You still think that the person flying the plane is Fang Ze."

David nodded heavily: "Of course! It can't be wrong!"

Robert touched his forehead and said, "Okay, you go on."

It seemed that he did not trust David's judgment.

Because it's kind of nonsense.

David said: "Since he has decided to go empty, then he has two choices."

"The first is civil aviation, and the second is military."

"In terms of civil aviation, he doesn't have much chance, because all airports have already set up a net, and the identity verification is very strict."

"Moreover, the speed of civil aviation aircraft is relatively slow and has no combat effectiveness."

"So, he finally chose the military!"

"We've focused our review on airports, ignoring air bases."

Robert listened patiently.

No interruption, no rebuttal.

David said: "Then, he used his super camouflage ability to successfully enter the army."

"It's not difficult for him."

"The point is, how does he fly the plane to take off?"

"Without the superior's order, it is impossible. It will be discovered immediately, and the danger is too great."

"He needs a good reason!"

Hearing this, David stopped his voice.

Robert raised his hand and said, "I'm listening, go on."

"it is good."

David nodded and said, "I think he should have guessed that there will be senior military generals to deal with him after the incident in the Noch Forest."

"In other words, he guessed your existence."

"He saw an opportunity."

"As long as you order the plane to take off, he can fly the bomber smoothly and leave the country!"

That's what Robert was waiting for.

He asked: "So, how did he guess what I was thinking?"

"To be honest, this is my temporary intention, and there is no warning."

David took a deep breath and said, "That's what makes this man so powerful!"

"He arranged the trap of the barren mountain."

"It appeared in the surveillance, he did it deliberately!"

"The purpose is to let us search the mountains in a large area."

"Sou Shan, within his calculations."

"We suffered heavy casualties, and it was in his calculations."

"And in order to reduce casualties, you decisively ordered the bombing, which is still within his calculations!"

Robert's face froze.


"You mean he anticipated what happened today"

"There is such a god"

David stared at Robert and said word by word: "He definitely has this ability!"

Robert's eyes flickered.

If it's true as David said, wouldn't it be possible for this person to leave the country on a plane under his nose and "go back!!"

Robert quickened his pace.

Although he still doesn't believe it, he can't gamble.

Once Fang Ze leaves, all those involved in the pursuit, including the military, will be held accountable and become a laughing stock

Just when David deduced everything, the fifth bomber had already left the country's territory.

In the cockpit, Fang Ze looked down at the boundless sea and laughed softly.

"Finally get out of this hellish place."

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