Chapter 616 High-altitude pursuit [1]

After half an hour.

command post.

Robert stood behind the table, quietly listening to the news coming from the front.

"Master, Abel still refuses to answer!"

Abel, was the name of the pilot in charge of the fifth bomber.

"Master, the other party is flying very fast, I'm afraid it will take an hour to catch up."

"Commander, the longest range has been reached, do you need to turn on the guidance system and launch long-range guided missiles?"


One voice after another made Robert gradually become a little irritable.

He was hesitant.

just in case.

In case the plane wasn't everything before Fang Ze, it was all David's inference, and there was no evidence to support it at all.

In other words, who is flying the plane now has no idea at all.

At least until now, the possibility of Abel is still relatively high.

As to why he gave up the mission and changed his course, it is still unknown.

After a while of silence, Robert turned his head and shouted, "Have you checked?"

Next to him, the adjutant was agitated and quickly said, "I'm investigating!"

Robert said: "Hurry up!"


The entire Air Force base is under investigation.

To be precise, he was looking for Abel's whereabouts.

Everything is unknown until evidence is found.

But as long as Abel is discovered, it means that the person who is flying the plane at the moment must be Fang Ze.

Before that, Robert dared not act rashly.

On the other side, David opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak.

According to his intention, it should be directly attacked.

He was quite sure that the man on the plane was definitely not Abel.

Unless Abel is insane, there is simply no reason to do this.

As for being kidnapped or something like that, it's even more impossible.

That's a bomber, not an airliner.

Luckily there is plenty of time.

If the person on the plane is really Fang Ze, it is not so easy to leave smoothly

over the Pacific Ocean.

Fang Ze held the rudder in his hand and increased the speed to the extreme.

The current speed is one thousand kilometers per hour.

It looks fast, but it's not.

From here to Huaxia, Fang Ze initially estimated that it would take at least nine hours9, or even more.

It's really fast compared to air travel.

But it is obviously impossible for people from the border to chase after him by civil aviation aircraft.

According to Fang Ze's inference, the planes chasing behind are most likely to be 2 fighter jets.

The speed of this fighter is his two, that is, more than [-] kilometers per hour.

He didn't know when the other party's plane took off.

If he planned for the worst, he would be overtaken when he was about [-] kilometers away from China.

At that time, whether he is dead or alive, depends on his driving skills.

And he knew very well that once the other side was ready to launch guided missiles, his situation would become very dangerous.

But this time should not come yet.

Unless, the real pilot is found.

For now, he is safe

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