Time passed little by little.

Over the Pacific Ocean, the plane flew by, and the roar spread far away.

The distance between the two is getting closer.

One hour

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Two hours and three hours later.

Robert's phone rang.

He was connected immediately.

"I am Robert!"

The other end of the phone said urgently: "Major General Robert! Found Abel!"

"He was knocked unconscious and tied in the warehouse!"

Hearing this sentence, Robert's face changed.

He glanced at David subconsciously and spit out a soft voice: "Order the fighter plane to launch a guided missile immediately, and be sure to shoot down that bomber!"


At this moment, he had completely believed David's inference.

The person who flew the plane was Fang Ze! Robert never imagined that one day he would be tricked to such an extent.

Tens of thousands of people besieged the city, and all departments participated in the search.

In the end, Fang Ze was actually allowed to slip away under his nose.

And he also assisted a lot.

This is simply a great shame! He has only one thought now: he must not let Fang Ze return to China alive! The Pacific Ocean will be his grave.

Seeing Robert's order, David, who had been waiting anxiously, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, it's time.

It's only been four hours, and Fang Ze can't run.

No matter how fast a bomber is, it can't compare to a 2 fighter jet.

The speed and combat power between the two are not of the same order of magnitude.

At the same time, David was also terrified.

Fortunately, Fang Ze was not flying a 2 fighter jet.

Otherwise, they could only watch Fang Ze, fly their own plane, and swagger back to Huaxia.

At that time, not only was no one caught, but a plane worth [-] million was lost, and the joke would be a big one.

At this time, over the Pacific Ocean.

Fang Ze piloted the plane and flew over a sea area.

At one point, he turned back sharply.

At the end of the line of sight, two clear firelights flickered and appeared in the distance, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Have you found it?"

Fang Ze's eyes narrowed, but he didn't care.

The speed of the guided missile is about [-] kilometers per hour.

And he is now less than a thousand kilometers away from the missile.

In other words, it will not take long for the missile to catch up with itself.

It was a precisely positioned tracking missile, and it was difficult to avoid.

No matter how good his driving skills are, there is nothing he can do.

Wanting to break the game, only Fang Ze's face darkened slightly, and after a cold snort, he suddenly turned around in the plane! "The target started to turn around, and the motive is unknown."

"See, prepare to fight."

The two 2 fighter jets immediately detected Fang Ze's movements on the radar.

Fang Ze didn't care about the two fighter jets, his eyes were always on the lasing missiles.

The distance between the two is rapidly decreasing.

Five hundred kilometers.

four hundred kilometers

one hundred kilometers

fifty kilometers.

When the distance dropped to fifty kilometers, Fang Ze raised his hand and decisively pressed a button.

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