That's the button for the ground bounce.

This bomber is equipped with more than just bombs.

In addition to bombs, there are air-to-ground missiles and six-barreled cannons.

Although the combat power is not as good as that of the 22 fighter, it is by no means an empty shelf.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Several missiles spewed flames, slicing through the sky

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Chapter 617 Escort Major General Fang and return home safely! 【1】

over the Pacific Ocean.

The missile's tail flame was like a meteor, streaking across [-] meters in the sky.

Fang Ze didn't change his course, but rushed forward to face the guided missiles that were blazing.

He knew that as long as he changed his route, the two 2-guided missiles would immediately change their trajectories.

In that case, the attack will fail.

This is a very dangerous move.

But it's his only option right now.

It's all about driving skills and timing.

Plus a little luck.

in an instant.

Boom! Boom! Several missiles collided without any accident.

The explosion sounded high in the sky.

The aftermath began to spread in the next second, and its power was enough to destroy everything along the way.

Including the bomber driven by Fang Ze.

Once the aftermath of the explosion hits even a little bit, Fang Ze's life will be completely explained here, and there is basically no accident.

Even if he chose to skydive, he was lucky enough to land on the sea and survive.

Two 2 fighter jets will take him as a target.

At this moment, Fang Ze's face was solemn, and he clenched the rudder tightly.

A second before the explosion, he had already started to pull down.

The nose dropped instantly, almost in a diving angle, and quickly lowered the altitude.

A huge feeling of overweight swept through the body.

Fortunately, Fang Ze's physical fitness is extremely strong, so it won't be affected in any way.

High in the sky, the flames from the explosion have not been extinguished, and the smoke is thick.

Countless debris sprinkled on the sea, like fireworks, dazzling

"Attack failed, chase!"

"Be careful, this guy has super high flying skills, don't underestimate the enemy!"


Seeing that the guided missile attack failed, the two 2 fighter jets did not stop at all, they also dived down and continued to pursue.

The speed is obviously much faster than Fang Ze.

Fang Ze controlled the plane, and after landing at an altitude of [-] meters, it regained stability and continued to fly towards the west.

There, is the direction of Huaxia.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Fang Ze turned back, and several missiles came flying.

He knew that it was the missile that the 2 fighter jets were equipped with.

Six in total.

Two is twelve.

Because the distance was very close, the missile came behind Fang Ze in a few seconds.

Fang Ze glanced at the radar and slammed the steering wheel.

The fuselage slumped downward to the right, just dodging four missiles.

Da-da-da! The cannon sounded again.

Obviously, the opponent has begun to exert the full combat power of the 2 fighters.

It appears that a death order has been received.

Be sure to make sure that before he leaves the high seas, Fang Ze's face is extremely solemn, while he controls the plane to avoid bullets and test countermeasures.

It is a pity that, in the high sky, under the premise that everything is fixed, there is no effective way.

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