This cannot be solved by strategy.

As for confrontation, the risk is too great.

He can't be so stupid.

Right now, we can only take one step at a time.

five minutes later.

Fang Ze turned his head suddenly, a 2 fighter jet had caught up with him! The two sides were neck and neck.

He is mentally prepared.

With the speed of 22 fighters, it is only a matter of time before he catches up.

Whoosh! The next moment, the fighter made a deft turn, and the missiles sprayed flames and rushed in.

Fang Ze had a hunch, and lowered the height again.

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The missile almost slid past the fuselage.

"so close!"

Fang Ze was even scared into a cold sweat.

If you are hit by this thing, you really won't survive.

"Almost [-] kilometers left"

Fang Ze is now not sure whether he can survive or not.

Whoosh! Whoosh! While fleeing, Fang Ze certainly wouldn't be idle.

Only two 2 missiles left, lasing out.

The approaching fighter jets resolutely raised their altitude and avoided the missile attack.

The opponent's strength is obviously very good.


Those who are qualified to fly 2 fighter jets are basically the country's ace pilots.

These people are all extremely talented and should not be underestimated.

"Flank from left and right, and use machine guns to knock him down."

"it is good."

The communication between the two pilots is very calm, psychological, and quality is very strong, and with confidence.

Even if he saw the difficulty of his opponent, he didn't panic and remained calm.

It must be said that the country's ability to do things is indeed extraordinary.

Da Da Da Da! Before they could attack, Fang Ze moved first! He turned around and launched an attack on the fighters on the right.

The best defense is the offense.

At some point, this statement is still true.

Fang Ze fought and retreated, staged a wonderful aerial battle.

And the distance between him and Huaxia is getting closer and closer.

after an hour.

Zhengyang Mountain.

Zhou Lao's phone rang.

He didn't hesitate, immediately.



"Is there any news from Fang Ze?"

Li Xingchao: "Old Zhou, there is news from the military that there is a battle over the Pacific Ocean [-] kilometers away!"

"One of the planes obviously doesn't want to fight, and the direction of escape is Huaxia!"

Elder Zhou suddenly stood up and said anxiously, "Is that Fang Ze?"

Li Xingchao: "I don't know, but it's very possible!"

"I have informed Commander Zhao that he should have assembled the air force by now."

Old Zhou said: "You did the right thing! Save it first and then talk about it!"

"Wait, I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Elder Zhou quickly left the courtyard.

He was very worried.

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