The anti-reconnaissance capability is still very strong.

That way, you can't waste time on the dead body.

The connection between the deceased is the focus of the next investigation

It's four o'clock in the afternoon.

Fang Ze, who is still in the forensic department, received a call from Cao Wenkang



"Compare immediately, and then come to Dongli with all the information, I will wait for you at the city bureau."

It's 6:[-] pm.

Dongli City Bureau meeting room.

Fang Ze and others are all there.

At a certain moment, Cao Wenkang pushed open the door and entered, holding a stack of documents and a plate in his hand.


"Sorry I'm late."

Fang Ze waved: "It's okay, let's start."

"it is good."

Cao Wenkang nodded and came to the front of the conference table.

Plug it into the computer and the screen will light up.

, which is the basic information of a woman.

Name: Yao Qingyun.

Gender: Female.

Age: 36 years old [-].

Occupation: Lawyer.

Missing for no reason four days ago, the police have been reported, but no one has been found so far.

Cao Wenkang looked at the crowd and said, "Accordingly, the lower body of the corpse is exactly the same as this woman named Yao Qingyun."

"It can be determined that the deceased is Yao Qingyun."

"Her family had already called the police, so she was quickly tracked down."

After speaking, Cao Wenkang turned his attention to Fang Ze.

Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "Come and sit down: Let's have a meeting."

"it is good."

Cao Wenkang nodded and took a step to sit on the chair.

Fang Ze crossed his hands and said, "Let me briefly describe the case first.

"The first deceased, Hu Zili, a villager of Haishou Village, became rich for no reason eight years ago, and his family moved to Cheongju."

"The second deceased, Zhao Youcai, a villager of Shou Village, became rich for no reason eight years ago, and his family moved to Dongli."

"The third deceased, Li Fei, a professional lawyer, eight years ago, she should have just graduated not long ago."

"The Fourth People's Dead, Yao Qingyun, a professional lawyer, eight years ago"

Having said that, Fang Ze took over the information handed over by Cao Wenkang.

After looking through it for a while, he continued: "Eight years ago, she was a little famous, and the word of mouth is not bad."

Judging from the information in Cao Wenkang's hands, this Yao Qingyun basically has no blemishes.

All the cases handled are quite satisfactory, although there is no act of punishing evil and promoting good, but there is nothing out of the ordinary.

"Everyone, what are your thoughts?"

After speaking, Fang Ze looked at everyone.

For a while, no one spoke first.

After being silent for a while, Shen Kai said, "Fang team, why did you deliberately emphasize eight years ago?"

"Is there a problem at this time?"

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "It is inferred from the surface of the case that the murderer's motive is most likely a vendetta."

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"Since it's a vendetta, then these four people, more or less, have done something that's sorry for the murderer."

"Two lawyers, two farmers, can't find any connection at all."

"So, we need to see changes."

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