"And it's a change shared by all four."

Hearing this, Shen Kai understood.

Fang Ze continued: "Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai have both changed, and they were both from eight years ago, at almost the same time."

"That's a big doubt."

"At the very least, we need to investigate."

At this time, Shen Kai said: "I checked, there is something wrong with Zhao Youcai's property, but I couldn't find the source at all."

Hearing this, Fang Ze didn't say anything and turned to look at Cao Wenkang.

Cao Wenkang then said: "I have also checked, and there is also a problem with Hu Zili's property, but I can't find the source, only the deposit records."

Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "In other words, Zhao Youcai and Hu Zili suddenly got a large amount of cash."

"Well, it should be so."

Shen Kai and Cao Wenkang nodded.

There is no doubt about this.

How did you get such a large sum of cash? "Is it possible that Li Fei and Yao Qingyun also got a lot of money at the same time?"

It was Shen Kai who spoke.

Fang Ze said: "After the meeting, go to check immediately."

"it is good."

Shen Kai nodded.

The next moment, Fang Ze seemed to remember something, and asked casually, "By the way, which city does Haishou Village belong to?"

Shen Kai said: "Yangcheng."


Fang Ze frowned.

He didn't expect that a third city would be involved.

That is to say, the case has so far spanned the three major cities of Dongli, Cheongju and Yangcheng.

"So, let me talk about the next work arrangement."

Hearing this, everyone looked solemn and listened carefully.

"First, check all the cases handled by Li Fei and Yao Qingyun to see if they can find any clues."

"Second, freeze the property of Li Fei and Yao Qingyun, and then carefully investigate the flow of funds."

"Third, visit the families of Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai, and try to find out the source of the huge amount of property back then."

"Fourth, send someone to Haishou Village in Yangcheng and ask if something major happened eight years ago."

"Let's end the meeting, I'll go to the provincial office."

Everyone got up.

Shen Kai wondered: "Fang team, what are you doing at the provincial office?"

"Come back and talk."

Fang Ze waved his hand, did not answer, and quickly left the conference room

Two hours later, the Yangcheng Provincial Office.

In the police chief's office, Fang Ze stood at the table and threw aside the files one after another.

"Eight years ago"


"Dong Li"

Fang Ze has been looking at the dossier of this house for more than half a month.

The starting point is, in fact, just plain boring.

Fang Ze still doesn't believe in wrongful convictions.

But now, he felt something was wrong.

After half an hour.

Fang Ze moved for a while, holding a file in his hand.

This is a homicide case file.

Location: Cheongju.

Date of the incident: [-].

"Eight years ago"

Fang Ze opened the dossier and turned to the trial page.

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