Niu Anshan waved his hand and said, "Of course I won't lie, I mean, your police station should have a record of this."

"Just look it up and you'll know."

Hearing this, Shen Kai became curious.

"Oh, let's hear it."

Niu Anshan took a deep breath, and after roughly recalling it, he explained a major event that happened in Haishou Village eight years ago.

Shen Kai listened carefully.

It was a sensational case of intentional homicide.

To be more specific, it was torture! There were two people who died, both children.

One is five and one is eight.

The place where the body was found was in Cheongju.

Therefore, the investigation and trial of the case is the responsibility of the Cheongju police.


Shen Kai raised his brows and said, "What was the name of the person in charge of the case at that time?"

Niu Anshan thought for a while and said, "I can't remember."

Shen Kai continued to ask, "Is it Cao Wenkang?"

Cao Wenkang is the police captain of the Cheongju City Bureau, and he will naturally be in charge of such major cases.

Hearing the name, Niu Anshan shook his head and said, "No, no, I remember two words."

"Oh you go on."

Shen Kai didn't ask any further questions.

After all, it was eight years ago.

At that time, Cao Wenkang should not have been promoted to the post of Criminal Police Captain.

Niu Anshan nodded and continued: "It was really tragic that the two children died at that time. I heard that there was no good place all over the body."

"There are traces of whiplash, bruises from heavy objects, and even scalds and corrosion. Alas, what a sin!"

Hearing this, Rao Yi Shen Kai was calm, and his face solidified.

What kind of person would be so cruel to two innocent children, such a small child, who doesn't understand anything at all, and can't hold grudges with others.

Niu Anshan said: "At that time, the police came wave after wave, and after investigating for a long time, almost the entire village was thrown up, but there has been no progress."

"Suddenly one day, it was said that the murderer was caught, and then the case was over."

What Niu Anshan said is very simple.

He may not know the specific details.

Shen Kai then asked, "Who is the murderer?"

Niu Anshan sighed and said, "The neighbor of the two children, Zhou Dashan, has always been single."

Shen Kai unconsciously frowned.

The neighbors were so simple and unconscionable, they murdered two children, and the murderer was just an ordinary farmer.

Thinking of this, Shen Kai asked again: "Is there evidence or witnesses?"

Niu Anshan said: "All."

Shen Kaidao: "What evidence is the witness?"

Niu Anshan thought about it and said, "I remember that something like a rope was found in Zhou Dashan's house."

"The witness's words are Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai from this village. They both said it."

"What did you say! Who!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Kai's shouting.

Niu Anshan was startled, watching Shen Kai whose expression changed drastically, and subconsciously said: "Shen Chen team, is there any problem?"

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 637 Meet Zhou Dashan [1]

Just when Shen Kai visited and investigated.

At this moment, Fang Ze has come to a prison in Qingzhou.

In his hand, he held a detailed murderer's information.

Eight years ago, a man named Zhou Dashan was sentenced to death in court for the crime of intentional homicide with aggravated circumstances, with a one-year suspension of execution.

A year later, Zhou Dashan was commuted to life imprisonment after review due to his good behavior in prison and sincere remorse.

But this case is too special, so Zhou Dashan's maximum commutation period is life.

In other words, he will spend his whole life in prison and completely lose his freedom.

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