It sounds cruel and unacceptable, but it's the law.

If you break the law, you will be punished accordingly.

Social rules must be followed.

What's more, what Zhou Dashan committed was a serious crime.

Not directly shot, already very merciful.

In the reception room, the warden Gao Hongjian personally received Fang Ze.

Of course he knew Fang Ze.

I also know that Fang Ze is about to go to Zhongnan to serve as the captain of the Huaxia Criminal Police.

Others are extremely poor and can't reach the heights in their entire lives, but Fang Ze has successfully ascended the throne at the age of less than [-] years old.

What this means, Gao Hongjian is very clear.

In another ten or twenty years, Fang Ze's status can be imagined.

For such a person, Gao Hongjian would never dare to offend him, and of course he should pay attention.

"Fang team, why do you have time to come to me?"

Gao Hongjian poured tea for Fang Ze and said with a smile.

After that, he handed Fang Ze a cigarette.

Fang Ze took it and said, "If you don't have anything to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall, I will disturb the Gao Warden."

Hearing this, Gao Hongjian hurriedly said: "Whatever Fang Dui said, it was his own people, so there is nothing to disturb."

"Something happened.

You talk, what can be done, and what can't be done, I will do it for you if I think of a way."

There was a lot of enthusiasm in the words.

Obviously, he expects to have a good relationship with Fang Ze.

I can't see each other again on weekdays, and now the other party has finally come over by himself, how could Gao Hongjian let go of such an opportunity.

Although Fang Ze focused on solving cases and seldom took care of the worldly affairs of the officialdom, he still understood Gao Hongjian's thoughts.

But he felt that it didn't matter, it was human nature, and it was the same for other people.

After lighting the cigarette, Fang Ze said, "Do you have any impression of Zhou Dashan?"

"Zhou Dashan"

Gao Hongjian thought for a while, and said, "Oh, you say him, there are impressions and impressions."

"That case, I will never forget it for the rest of my life."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "We won't talk about the case, I want to see him."

"See Zhou Dashan"

Gao Hongjian was stunned for a moment, and then he said, "Of course there is no problem."

"But Team Fang, Zhou Dashan's case has been around for seven or eight years."

"This kind of old case, you are"

Gao Hongjian was a little curious about the reason why Fang Ze wanted to see Zhou Dashan.

Those who can be sentenced to death have solid iron cases, there is nothing to say.

Could it be that there were other involvements in that case back then, or that when Fang Ze knew Zhou Dashan, the other party was less than twenty years old and 20 years old. Fang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said, "Everything is undecided, see you later. "

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements, the team will wait a moment."

Gao Hongjian is not the kind of... long-winded person, he immediately got up and picked up the phone.

He instructed his prison guards to bring Zhou Dashan to the meeting room, then hung up the phone and said, "Fang team, wait for five minutes."

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded and asked casually, "By the way, Warden Gao, does this Zhou Dashan have any abnormal behavior in the prison?"

For this question, Gao Hongjian subconsciously shook his head: "It shouldn't be."

"He has received a reduced sentence, which shows that he has performed well during the probation period, and what abnormal behavior can he have?"

"These convicted prisoners are all the same. They came to this place to realize that they regretted it. They all want to reform well and hope to go out soon."

"The abnormal behavior you mentioned is basically rare, unless it is a criminal with psychological problems."

After listening to Gao Hongjian's words, Fang Ze was silent.

That's right, since Zhou Dashan's sentence was commuted, it means that the other party's performance in prison is still very good.

In other words, he accepted the fact of his murder and no longer has any thoughts.

The possibility of malicious revenge killings is still very large at present.

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