Hearing this, Fang Ze understood.

Both are brothers.

Zhou Dashan is still there: Zhou Zhe helped him selflessly during his college days and even earlier.

So the feelings between each other can be imagined.

At the very least, it's much better than the normal sibling relationship.


If Zhou Dashan was really wronged, is it possible for Zhou Zhe to take revenge for the murderer for his own brother, Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "How old was Zhou Zhe when you were arrested?"

Zhou Dashan said: "Twenty years old and 20 years old, I remember he was a sophomore at that time."

After he finished speaking, he sighed and said melancholy: "I don't know how he is doing now. Is there any...how did he go after he finished university?"

Fang Ze stared at Zhou Dashan for a while, and said, "Where did you buy the rope?"

Zhou Dashan thought for a while and said, "I remember it was in a quite large local market."

This answer obviously could not satisfy Fang Ze, he corrected: "I want an accurate address."

"There are not ten 10's but eight 8's in the large-scale local market in Cheongju."

Zhou Dashan shook his head and said, "I really can't remember the name."

Fang Ze said: "You go by yourself, or go with Zhou Zhe"

Zhou Dashan said: "I went with my brother, but I don't know the way."

Fang Ze said slowly: "In other words, Zhou Zhe must remember."


Zhou Dashan suddenly realized something and said quickly: "Captain Fang, don't go to my brother!"

"I don't want to affect his life because of me!"

Fang Ze didn't lie about Zhou Dashan's request, he said straight: "Impossible, even if it's not because of you, I have to summon him."


Zhou Dashan certainly knew what these two words meant.

"Captain Fang, did something happen to my brother?"

Fang Ze waved his hand: "No, it's just a summons, don't think about it."

Zhou Dashan frowned.

Having said that, how could he not think about it

Chapter 640 You must absolutely guarantee his safety [1]

Meet indoors.

Seeing that Zhou Dashan still has the heart to care about his younger brother, Fang Ze said, "Zhou Dashan, don't worry about it if you can't handle it."

"What you have to do now is to answer my question seriously."

"Whether what you said is true or false, I will check it out."

Hearing this, Zhou Dashan looked up and said quickly: "What I said is true!"

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Then let's continue talking."

"Apart from the rope, are there any other objections in the investigation trial?"

"Like witnesses."

Mentioning the witness, Zhou Dashan's mouth trembled, and a trace of hatred appeared on his face.

There are also doubts and incomprehensions.

Fang Ze didn't ask questions, but waited quietly.

He knew that it took time for Zhou Dashan to digest his emotions when he suddenly recalled the past after being locked in it for so many years.

After a while, when Zhou Dashan's face gradually returned to calm, he said slowly, "Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai are framing me!"

Fang Ze was not surprised, and immediately asked, "Is there any basis?"

Of course, you can't just listen to Zhou Dashan's words on this matter.

Zhou Dashan shook his head and said, "No."

"I don't know why they did it, but they are lying!"

"We are neighbors or good friends, why are they doing this!"

Speaking of which, Zhou Dashan held his head in pain, it seemed very difficult to accept.

Recalling the scene of the court trial that year, Zhou Dashan is still unable to let go.

Fang Ze looked at Zhou Dashan, who was in pain, and remained silent.

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