If Zhou Dashan was really wronged.

If Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai really lied.

So one can imagine how shocked he was when he saw two good friends testify in court.

Fang Ze waited for a while, let Zhou Dashan ease his emotions a little, and said, "Eight years ago, what was the income of Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai?"

Zhou Dashan said: "Like me, neither rich nor poor."

"But they are very motivated, always thinking about making a lot of money, living in a big house in a bustling city and enjoying a better life."

"I'm worse than them, I just want to stay in Haishou Village in peace."

"There were several times when they offered to do some business in partnership, and I turned them down."

Thinking of the special products of Haishou Village, Fang Ze said, "Isn't your village rich in tea?"

"I remember the quality of the tea was not bad, and it was even sold overseas."

Zhou Dashan shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "That's just a few people."

"There are only so many tea plantations, can all the villagers in our Haishou Village make money from this?"

Hearing this, Fang Ze nodded slightly.

This is also true.

Any market has saturation, and from a human point of view, everyone wants to hold resources and money in their own hands.

With so many villagers in Haishou Village, it is impossible for them all to make a living selling tea.

As a saying goes: money is always in the hands of a few.

The gap between rich and poor is still quite large.

Conversation continues.

During the period, Fang Ze asked two more important questions.

First, why did you sign the judgment.

Zhou Dashan's answer

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Simple: everyone thought he was the murderer, even his own defense attorney.

He sees no hope.

Fang Zedao: "That is to say, Li Fei is doing a commutation defense, not an innocence defense."

Zhou Dashan nodded: "Yes."

Asked here, Fang Ze habitually rubbed his fingers.

This is another weird point.

According to the investigation of Li Fei, in the cases received by the other party in recent years, the clients, without exception, are all wealthy and powerful people.

At the very least, you must have small assets and be able to afford a low legal fee.

People like Zhou Dashan are the first in history.

Furthermore, since Zhou Dashan insisted that he was innocent, the evidence was very vague.

As an excellent lawyer with rich experience, Li Fei is so sloppy as to why he did a commutation defense. She is so sure that Zhou Dashan murdered. From a normal point of view, ordinary lawyers should do innocence defense.

This is the first relatively important question asked by Fang Ze.

Second, why don't you insist on appealing while you are serving your sentence?

Zhou Dashan gave this answer: Someone is preventing him from doing so.

After hearing this sentence, Fang Ze didn't hide anything and turned his head to look at Gao Hongjian.

After hearing Zhou Dashan's answer, Gao Hongjian's expression suddenly changed again.

"Zhou Dashan!"

"What do you mean by that!"

For a prisoner serving a sentence, even if Fang Ze was present, Gao Hongjian would not have any concerns at all, and he shouted angrily.

Fang Ze was not surprised and did not stop Gao Hongjian.

In a prison, the identity gap between prison guards and criminals is like a cloud and mud, which is normal.

Zhou Dashan was taken aback, and his mood became again: nervous.

Fang Ze had been looking at Gao Hongjian, when he opened his mouth and said, "Governor Gao, don't be so excited, I just want to ask you one question."

Facing Fang Ze, Gao Hongjian restrained his attitude and said politely, "Fang team, please speak."

Fang Ze said: "If it is, I say if."

"If he was wronged, then there must be more than one person involved, and his status is not low."

"Since the other party can control the trial, it is not too difficult to infiltrate this prison, right?"

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