Shen Kai pondered for a while, and said, "Is there anyone?"

Fang Ze picked up the teacup and said, "I have already asked Cao Wenkang to take someone and try it here."

After taking a sip of water, Fang Ze continued with the information in his hands.

This is all the information about Zhou Zhe, very detailed.

Including everything he did during school, every book he read in the library, everyone he knew, and even everything he said on record, etc.

During this period, Fang Ze raised his head and glanced at Shen Kai.

It seems that the other party is very relaxed when he leads the case by himself.

At this moment, Fang Ze suddenly said: "Shen team, have you thought about a question?"


Shen Kai turned his head and wondered, "What's the problem?"

Fang Ze put down the information in his hand and said: "The latest dead body is half in Dongli and half in Qingzhou, why did the murderer do this?

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. "

Hearing this, Shen Kai said: "I think this is a murder symbol."

"After all, Zhou Dashan's case is implicated in Dongli and Qingzhou."

"Retaliation for killing and provoking the police."

Fang Ze said: "You mean that Zhou Dashan was given a suspended death sentence, and the murderer murdered maliciously for revenge."

Shen Kai wondered: "Isn't it?"

Fang Ze said: "What if Zhou Dashan was wronged?"

Mentioning this matter, Shen Kai was silent for a while, then said: "Fang team, I have also thought about this possibility, but the probability of occurrence should not be high."

"Oh how can I see"

Shen Kai replied, "First of all, the child abuse tragedies at that time were taken very seriously, and a special task force was set up for this, and thousands of police were dispatched, almost bringing up Qingzhou and Haishou Village."

"It takes so much manpower and material resources, the murderer must have been screened at various levels, and it is impossible to deal with it casually."

"Secondly, Zhou Dashan seems to be honest and honest, but his parents died in his early years. He brought up his younger brother alone, and suffered many setbacks and humiliation."

"It's easy to form an invisible dark side in the heart, hate society, and even distort it."

"From the point of view of the motive for the murder, it makes perfect sense."

"Thirdly, the rope used by the murderer, in terms of shape, size, material and manufacturer, is exactly the same as the one found at Zhou Dashan's house. This is almost impossible to be a coincidence."

"Fourth, when the deceased was killed, Zhou Dashan was not in Haishou Village at all, and there was no alibi, is this also a coincidence?"

"Fifth, Zhou Dashan's house has a cellar. After a professional on-site inspection, it was determined that there were footprints of children and similar signs of struggle. Isn't this ironclad proof?"

"Also, both witnesses said they saw with their own eyes that Zhou Dashan transported suspicious sacks out of Haishou Village before and after the incident."

"Although the sack was not found at the time, it is estimated that it was destroyed by Zhou Dashan."

"With so many clues, evidence and witnesses pointing to Zhou Dashan, I don't think he was wronged."

After listening carefully to Shen Kai's words, Fang Ze looked at him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, the other party actually studied the case so thoroughly.

It seems that it is to verify the thoughts floating in my mind.

When I first heard about this incident, Shen Kai's first reaction must have been that there was a certain problem with this case.

It turned out that this idea was wrong.

Zhou Dashan was not wronged.

"So, you don't think Zhou Dashan has been wronged. The murderer killed for malicious revenge."

Fang Ze looked indifferent and asked.

Shen Kai nodded and said, "Yes, there is no doubt about that."

He is a rational detective captain, experienced and insightful.

Although it is not as good as Fang Ze, it is by no means an empty shelf.

Regardless of

There is no problem in analyzing Zhou Dashan's case from any angle.

The only suspect is the motive for the murder.

But the world is like this, there are always a few demons living in normal people in human skins.

After being a police officer for so many years, it is not that Shen Kai has never met.

Looking at the silent Fang Ze, Shen Kai couldn't help but say: "Fang team, you wouldn't suspect that Zhou Dashan was wronged?"

Fang Ze said with a smile: "Let's not mention this matter, let's look at the results of other people's investigations, and the results of the interrogation of Zhou Zhe."

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