Chapter 642 Do you think your brother murdered [1]

6 p.m. [-].

Cao Wenkang has arrived.

I also brought back one person: Zhou Zhe.

Zhou Dashan's younger brother, a top student majoring in medical engineering at Cheongju University.

Now I work for a well-known pharmaceutical company in the city.

Currently single.

Zhou Zhe's usual life is very regular, in addition to commuting to get off work, he goes to the gym or swimming pool.

Occasionally meet a few friends, play cards and games, drink tea and chat for leisure.

On the surface, this is a very normal urban fashion youth with no bad habits.

Room inquiry.

Fang Ze and Shen Kai pushed open the door and entered.


Cao Wenkang stood up.

Fang Ze nodded and looked at the young man sitting quietly in front of him.

The young man is about twenty-seven or eight-year-old, with an ordinary appearance but a very capable spirit.

Under the dark complexion, with a hint of honesty, at first glance, he looks like a child who grew up in the countryside.

Although Zhou Zhe has now settled in Qingzhou for development, the temperament he developed in his early years cannot be changed in a short period of time.

Such people seem to have no scheming, and it is easy to arouse the goodwill of others.

While Fang Ze was looking at Zhou Zhe, the other party was also looking at him, with a vaguely polite smile on his face.

Even though he was invited here inexplicably, Zhou Zhe did not have any anger or panic, but was very calm and natural.

Or, he hasn't done anything and has no ghosts in his heart.

Or, his mental quality is very strong.

After the two sides looked at each other for a while, Cao Wenkang moved a chair and placed it opposite Zhou Zhe.

Fang Ze stepped forward and sat on the chair.

At this moment, Zhou Zhe looked at Fang Ze in surprise.

Before he came, he already knew the identity of Cao Wenkang.

Cheongju City Bureau, Chief of Criminal Police.

He was a little surprised at the time.

It was just an ordinary summons, and the captain of the criminal police actually came over in person. It was estimated that there was a big case.

But now, Cao Wenkang is so respectful to a younger person, then the identity of this person is similar to him in terms of age, how high the position can be, the second generation of official Fang Ze smiled, and took the lead in breaking the silence: "I don't know. me"


Zhou Zhe was stunned for a moment, looked at Fang Ze carefully for a while, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

The person in front of him, he seemed to have seen on the Internet before.

Soon, he remembered.

At that time, the Yang Da case, which had been in the dust for more than ten years, was not the same person who broke the fifth, right?

The trial will be broadcast live simultaneously on the whole network.

Although he didn't watch the live broadcast, he was still impressed by the picture.

"Captain Fang"

Fang Ze nodded with a smile and said, "Hello, I'm Fang Ze."

After being affirmed, Zhou Zhe's eyes moved indistinctly, and then he smiled back and said, "Hello, Fang team, you called me from Qingzhou to Dongli."

Fang Ze said: "Yes, sorry for wasting your time."

Zhou Zhe hurriedly said: "Where and where, don't delay, just wonder why it's not at the Qingzhou Municipal Bureau."

Fang Ze didn't explain the problem, and went straight to the point: "Mr. Zhou, I won't go around in circles."

Zhou Zhe listened carefully.

Fang Ze said: "I called you here this time mainly for your brother Zhou Dashan's business."

Hearing this, the smile on Zhou Zhe's face slowly faded.

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