"Tell me how I should answer you"

These words are very sincere and can't find any faults.

Even Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai looked at each other and felt that Fang Ze's question was a bit abrupt.

It's like rubbing salt into someone else's wound, it's not very kind.

But Fang Ze didn't take it seriously. He didn't think his question was too much. Instead, he said seriously: "Of course, answer me with the truth."

Zhou Zhe's brows furrowed even deeper.

Being stared at by Fang Ze, he finally had no choice but to say, "Even if you believe it."


The most intimate person was arrested by the police.

There is evidence, there is physical evidence.

Even if you don't want to believe it, you're just deceiving yourself.

Rationally, he has to believe.

Fang Ze kept staring at Zhou Zhe's facial expression, and said, "So, you have no doubts about the process of the case."

Zhou Zhe spread his hands and said, "I was just a student back then, and I didn't know anything, so I could have doubts."

At this time, Fang Ze lit a cigarette again and said, "Then, as a medical student, why do you go to the library to borrow a lot of irrelevant books?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Zhe moved his fingers slightly and said dissatisfiedly: "Captain Fang, you checked me"

Fang Ze did not speak.

"That seems to be my freedom."

Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Answer my question directly."


Zhou Zhe took a light breath and said, "It's just a hobby, isn't it weird?"

"Many students have the experience of electing knowledge in different fields, which is normal."

Fang Ze's expression remained the same: "hobby"

"Your hobby, the timing of your appearance is very accurate."

"If you don't show up sooner or later, you won't be interested until your brother is caught."

Zhou Zhe shrugged and said, "There is a period of fatigue for people to learn new things, and this period of fatigue is about two years."

"Captain Fang can do some statistics. Many college students have begun to dabble in other majors, basically after their freshman and sophomore years."

"isn't it"

Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated slightly.

This kid is quite talented.

Regardless of

Whether there is any wrongdoing, in terms of eloquence, reserve and adaptability, it is still remarkable.

Fang Ze continued: "I understand you, you don't have to hide it."

"I want you to study other majors to help your brother."

"After all, the only person in this world who can help him is you."

His voice softened a lot.

Zhou Zhe's expression darkened, he nodded slightly and said, "Hey, that's right."

After being affirmed, Fang Ze suddenly raised his voice: "Zhou Zhe, you didn't tell the truth!"

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


Zhou Zhe was taken aback and said, "Captain Fang, what do you mean by that?"

Fang Ze said: "Most of the books you borrowed in the library are about law and investigation."

"Also, the timing is after your brother was sentenced!"

"The case has been settled, is it still useful for you to learn that knowledge?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhe's eyes narrowed.

But he quickly replied: "I blame myself for being useless, why did I go to study medicine in the first place."

"If I had studied law, maybe I could have helped a little when my brother was arrested."

"Just make up for your regrets."

Fang Ze stared at Zhou Zhe for a while, then smiled and said, "So that's how it is."

"Don't think about it, I'm just curious."

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