Zhou Zhe also said with a smile: "Understand, understand."

An hour later, Zhou Zhe left and the questioning ended.

When Zhou Zhe's back disappeared from sight, Cao Wenkang couldn't help but said, "Fang team, do you think there is something wrong with Zhou Zhe?"

From the questioning method just now, he could clearly feel that Fang Ze had the intention of making a cliché.

Also, the point selection is very precise.

At the same time, it is also a little suspicious.

Zhou Zhe, after Zhou Dashan was sentenced, suddenly started to study law, investigation and other related knowledge, really just to make up for his regret. If Fang Ze didn't mention it, he really didn't notice this problem.

Fang Ze did not answer Cao Wenkang directly, but gave an order directly.

"Arrange a few clever police officers to monitor Zhou Zhe [-] hours a day."

"This man is wrong, very wrong."


Cao Wenkang was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements as soon as I get back."

At this time, Shen Kai asked, "Fang team, have you found anything?"

Fang Ze shook his head: "Not yet, but"

"He seems to have prepared all his rhetoric in advance, including his on-the-spot reaction."

"All the emotions, the performance marks stand out, including my mention of whether he believed his brother murdered."

"The dazed look on the surface seems normal, but it is mixed with intention."

Hearing this, Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai looked at each other.

This shows that they didn't notice at all.

"Fang team, Zhou Zhe's attitude in answering questions is very ordinary, and he can't find any flaws at all."

Fang Ze said: "If you can't pick out a flaw, it's a flaw."


The two did not understand Fang Ze's words for a while.

Fang Ze didn't explain too much, turned around and said, "If Zhou Zhe didn't study medicine in college, I guess the library's borrowing list would be much larger."

Hearing this, Shen Kai's face changed slightly: "Fang team, you mean, if he is not a medical student, he will continue his studies."

Fang Ze said: "I guess it is, maybe he just happened to learn this major."

Shen Kai and Cao Wenkang were shocked at the same time.

That's right.

Judging from the way the deceased died in the cases of Cheongju and Dongli, the murderer may indeed possess certain medical expertise.

Could it be that Fang Ze suspects that Zhou Zhe is the murderer of the serial murder case?

Chapter 644 Solo Investigation [1]

"Fang team, you mean this Zhou Zhe"

Shen Kai's face was slightly solemn.

He can deal with the doubts of others in a normal way.

But if it is Fang Ze's suspicion, the nature is completely different.

Without certain certainty, the opponent will never take action easily.

Fang Ze was noncommittal and said, "I was [-]% sure before seeing him, but now I'm about [-]%."

"Fifty percent percent"

In the absence of any evidence, this probability is already very high.

And as the investigation deepens, the numbers may continue to increase.

Once Fang Ze is determined, it is time to arrest him.

Cao Wenkang hesitated and said, "Fang team, do you want to temporarily detain Zhou Zhe?"

Fang Ze shook his head: "Inappropriate, everything is still in the investigation stage."

"If you really make a mistake, it won't end well."

Hearing this, Cao Wenkang nodded.

Arresting someone without evidence is indeed against the procedure.

Only because his trust in Fang Ze was too high, he began to focus on Zhou Zhe.

Since Fang Ze asked for [-]-hour surveillance, it wouldn't be a big problem.

At this moment, Fang Ze turned his head to look at Shen Kai, and suddenly said: "Shen team, our topic is not over yet."


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