This is one of the largest soil and miscellaneous markets in Qingzhou. Although it is very messy and people of all kinds are in an endless stream, the advantage is that it has a complete variety.

Almost anything you can find here.

so no matter

Whether it is working hours or holidays, there are still many customers who come here to choose things.

It's only 10:[-], and the popularity is already not low.

Fang Ze walked on the street for a while, and came to the vicinity of the stall selling ropes.

The number of stores is about eight or nine or eight.

Although they are close to each other, the number of customers is very different.

In the fierce competition, there will always be a difference between the high and the low, which is normal.

Fang Ze stood at the entrance of the street and pondered for a while, then walked to the stall with the most crowds.

Business here is booming.

I don't know if it's because the boss's integrity is high, or because the quality of the items is good and the price is low.

Or rather, all three.

Fang Ze was making an assumption in his mind at the moment.

Put aside the fact that Zhou Dashan is the murderer.

So, which stall will the murderer go to when he comes to Pinggong market to buy rope?

If it is the thinking of ordinary people, if they buy a rope to kill people, the first place they will choose is to run to a place with few people.

Psychologically, this is a knee-jerk reaction to risk aversion.

However, this case is very special, the murderer's modus operandi is cruel, and basically does not have the characteristics of a novice committing a crime.

So, let's think of the murderer a little smarter.

Go to a place with less people to buy, it is better to go to a place with a lot of people to buy.

the reason is simple.

With so many people, no one will pay attention at all, including the busy shop owner.

Therefore, the more people there are, the safer

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Chapter 645 Unexplainable hemp rope [1]

Soon, Fang Ze stood at the door of this shop.

In front of it is an extended booth for customers who come and go to choose.

This is common in Pingong Market, which takes up most of the street area.

After all, this place is not a downtown area, nor is it a supervision area, so there will be no urban management to manage these matters.

Standing in front of the booth, Fang Ze glanced slightly.

They are all small tools that are often seen and used, including ropes.

In terms of material, the materials used in modern rope making are basically synthetic fibers.

Including acrylic, nylon, polyester, polyethylene, etc.

However, the traditional rope making process has not disappeared, and the materials they use are generally cotton, hemp, flax, jute, etc.

Also known as cotton rope and hemp rope.

In the murder case eight years ago, the rope used by the murderer was hemp rope.

Not to mention the reason why the murderer used traditional hemp rope.

Although hemp rope is a traditional rope, it still has many advantages that cannot be replaced by modern technology.

such as softness.

light in mass.

Easy to bundle.

Of course, it also has disadvantages, such as low strength, easy to wear, and perishable.

So from the perspective of killing, in fact, hemp rope should not be the preferred rope.

Unless, the murderer does not consider these, but chooses one at random.

However, according to Fang Ze's psychological profile of the murderer, there is a high probability that this person is a very smart person and has a plan.

Since it is torture, it will take a long time to be imprisoned.

Hemp rope is obviously not the best choice.

Judging from the variety of booth ropes, there are many ropes with higher strength than hemp ropes, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant.


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