Why did the murderer avoid the best option and choose a hemp rope with certain risks? Thinking about this question in his mind, Fang Ze picked up a ball of hemp rope.

After rubbing for a while, Fang Ze quickly determined that the bast fibers were from ramie.

That's not it.

He picked up another ball of twine again.

The bast fibers come from jute.

Nor is it.

After searching for a while, Fang Ze picked up a ball of rope that was placed in the corner.

At this moment, his eyes moved.


That's right, the raw material of the rope used by the murderer was flax.

Hemp rope, as the name suggests, its raw material is hemp.

Hemp is a bast fiber extracted from various hemp plants.

There are many kinds.

In this booth alone, Fang Ze found more than a dozen kinds.

The hemp ropes in front of them look the same on the surface, but the ultimate essence is fundamentally different.

If Zhou Dashan is not the murderer, why is it so coincidental that the rope found from the other party's house is exactly the same as the rope used by the murderer. This is what Fang Ze is surprised about.

He didn't want to explain it by coincidence.

There are not so many coincidences in the world. After thinking about it for a while, Fang Ze helplessly shook his head, picked up the rope in his hand and said, "Boss, how much is the rope?"

"Six dollars a meter!"

"You are holding exactly three meters, eighteen!"

The boss's shout came from the surrounding noise.

Fang Ze took out his mobile phone, scanned the code and paid the money, and said, "Boss, I paid."

“good good”

The boss didn't even look at it.

Fang Ze took the hemp rope and walked away.

On the way, he

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He kept staring at the rope in his hand.

Intuition told him that this ball of hemp rope was the key point, or an important direction, to detect the case.

If you figure this out, maybe everything after that will suddenly become clear.

But this is the hardest thing to figure out.

Murderer, why choose hemp rope.

Why is the hemp rope bought by Zhou Dashan exactly the same as the rope used by the murderer?

This is based on the premise that Zhou Dashan is not a murderer.

Of course, if Zhou Dashan is the real murderer, then everything is not a problem.

As a rural person, Zhou Dashan's first reaction must be the hemp rope of traditional craftsmanship, and he will not think so much.


"Zhou Dashan doesn't look like a murderer"

Fang Ze whispered to himself.

Even though he was extremely intelligent and experienced, his mind was like a rope in his hands, a mess.

A lot of points don't work at all.

He began to think back to the end of the case.

Zhou Dashan was sentenced, if he was wronged, then the murderer's energy is definitely not small.

The first is the witnesses.

The money needed to make Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai appear in court to testify perjury must be a lot of money.

Next is a lawyer.

The murderer, is it possible that he also bought the lawyer.

Including Li Fei, who defended the defendant Zhou Dashan.

The third is the police.

At that time, after searching for so long, there was no result, why suddenly one day, all the focus was concentrated on Zhou Dashan.

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