Fang Ze said.

Hearing this, Zhou Dashan's eyes narrowed slightly, and after taking a deep look at Fang Ze, he nodded heavily.

Fang Ze said: "Eight years ago, you and Zhou Zhe went to Pinggong Market together and bought hemp rope, right?"

Zhou Dashan nodded and said, "Yes."

Fang Ze: "At that time, there were not many people in the market"

Zhou Dashan: "A lot."

It was the first time he went to a big city, so he remembered many details clearly.

Fang Ze continued to ask: "Where do you buy hemp rope, is it the stall with the most customers?"

Zhou Dashan thought for a while and said, "It should be."

"I remember there were a lot of places selling rope, and that was the one with the most people."

"I think since so many people buy it, it must not be wrong."

Fang Ze nodded slightly.

Psychologically speaking, this is a typical herd mentality, and it is normal.

He said, "Remember the next question carefully."

"Did you chat with Zhou Zhe when you bought the rope?"

Zhou Dashan was taken aback and said, "Of course."

Fang Ze said: "I mean, the content has nothing to do with the purchase of ropes."


Mentioning this question, Zhou Dashan frowned.

Eight years.

It's hard to remember.

"Can not remember"

Zhou Dashan wondered: "It's been too long.

It's not a big deal, it's really hard for me to remember."

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Then let me help you recall."

"First of all, let's talk about the reason for going to Cheongju.

Zhou Dashan wondered: "Didn't I tell you to go and see my brother."

Fang Ze shook his head: "No, there are other reasons."

"other reasons"

Zhou Dashan doesn't know why.

Fang Ze said slowly: "When you went to Qingzhou, you seemed to be in a bad mood."

Hearing this, Zhou Dashan was obviously stunned for a moment.

"how do you know"

Fang Ze said: "You just need to answer my question."

Zhou Dashan lowered his head and was silent for a while, then sighed: "Yes, I'm really in a bad mood."

"for what"

Zhou Dashan said in a low voice, "I talked about a girlfriend and blew it."

Fang Ze: "That's why you went to Qingzhou to see Zhou Zhe and relax by the way."


-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Zhou Dashan nodded.

Fang Ze: "Okay, let's continue."

"At that time, you came to Cheongju, and on the second or third day after meeting Zhou Zhe, you offered to buy a rope."

"Then, Zhou Zhe took you to Pinggong Market."

With Fang Ze's description, Zhou Dashan's memory was slowly awakened.

"After you came to Pinggong Market, you first strolled around casually, and then went straight to the stall selling ropes."

"During the period, you are chatting, the content is not important."

"Finally, you stand in front of the stall with the most customers."

"You are picking ropes, and you also ask Zhou Zhe some things about his life from time to time. If he is lacking anything, you can buy it for him."

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