"Is there an impression?"

Zhou Dashan tried his best to recall and said, "I should have asked."

Fang Ze continued: "Zhou Zhe talked about his college life, and by the way, he asked about you."

"He mentioned Haishou Village, your life in Haishou Village, and even the future, which will make you live a better life."

"Is there an impression?"

Zhou Dashan's memories are gradually activated.

The eight-year scene gradually became clear.

He sighed deeply and said, "I have an impression."

For this conversation, Cao Wenkang and others behind him were a little surprised.

Even Zhou Dashan himself can't remember what happened for so long. How did Fang Ze know? Fang Ze leaned forward and asked, "You guys talked about Haishou Village."

Zhou Dashan nodded: "Yes, we did talk."

Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "In other words, everyone around you can hear your conversation and know that you are from Haishou Village."

This question makes Zhou Dashan even more strange.

"Of course, so close, you can definitely hear it."

Asked here, Fang Ze got up straight.

He had a bold idea.

In-depth investigation is required.

He wasn't going to ask any more.

"Governor Gao, I need to take him away."

Fang Ze spoke directly.

Gao Hongjian was stunned, but did not respond for a while.

Two seconds later, when he was sure that he heard correctly, his face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Captain Fang, I'm afraid this"

Zhou Dashan, after all, is a prisoner who has already been convicted and sentenced.

It was too hasty to be taken away just like that. Fang Ze didn't repeat it a second time. He raised his chin and said, "Captain Cao, take someone away."

"it is good."

Cao Wenkang nodded and waved the policeman forward.

With Fang Ze's order, he doesn't have to have any scruples.


The two prison guards, immediately.

It blocked Cao Wenkang's way.

Cao Wenkang paused and said coldly, "Do you know who this is? Get out of the way!"

The two hesitated and looked at Gao Hongjian subconsciously.

Seeing that the other party didn't move, Cao Wenkang raised his hand and touched the gun:

"I repeat, get out of the way!!"

Behind him, several police officers stepped forward, staring at the prison guards with unpleasant expressions.

Such a battle made the two prison guards feel that their vision and knowledge had been impacted.

How could anyone go directly to the prison to rob people! Under Cao Wenkang's order, several police officers staggered away from the prison guards and directly erected Zhou Dashan.

The guards didn't dare to stop him.

Fang Ze turned around, looked at Gao Hongjian whose expression changed, and said, "If someone asks, push it on me."

"What happened, all the responsibility is borne by us."

"Sorry, Warden Gao."

After speaking, Fang Ze walked away.

Behind him, Cao Wenkang took Zhou Dashan and followed closely behind.

Gao Hongjian didn't stop it, and couldn't stop it.

He stared blankly at the direction Fang Ze left, not knowing what happened.


"What's the situation!"

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 647 Do you believe I didn't kill anyone? 【1】

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