The crowd got into the car.

Zhou Dashan was escorted by several police officers and was about to go to the Cheongju City Bureau.

This is Fang Ze's order.

Inside the car, Cao Wenkang finally couldn't help but ask, "Team Fang, have you found any clues?"

Since Fang Ze will forcibly take Zhou Dashan away, there must be a reason.

Fang Ze said: "Zhou Dashan did not kill anyone."

"You are optimistic about him these days, no one can see him."

"If you can't figure it out, call me."

Hearing this, Cao Wenkang's expression changed.

There is a lot of information mapped out by these few sentences.

Not to mention Zhou Dashan, Fang Ze's meaning is very obvious, I am afraid that there will be considerable resistance to the investigation of this case.

And this kind of resistance is simply not something that Cao Wenkang can handle.

That is to say, once Fang Ze's judgment is correct, the people involved in this case are at least bureau-level people.

Cheongju, is the sky going to be turned upside down in an hour.

Cheongju City Bureau Interrogation Room.

There were only Fang Ze and Zhou Dashan inside.

All monitoring devices are turned off.

Even Cao Wenkang was excluded from the trial.

Cao Wenkang is not the kind of stingy person, so he naturally knows the seriousness of this matter.

He personally guarded the interrogation room, keeping no one near.

Interrogation room.

Fang Ze stared closely at Zhou Dashan in front of him and said, "Zhou Dashan, let me introduce myself again."

"Fang Ze, [-] years old, was the captain of the criminal police team of the former Yangcheng Bureau, and is now the captain of the criminal police team of the Suhai Provincial Department."

"In the next half a month, I will go to Zhongnan and serve as the captain of the Huaxia Criminal Police."

Hearing this, Zhou Dashan's eyes shrank suddenly, looking at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

The city police chief is nothing more than that.

The Chief of Criminal Police is also reluctantly acceptable.

But if the captain of the Huaxia Criminal Police is real or fake, he is the head of all the criminal police in the country.

So young? Huaxia's position, when did it get promoted so well? Fang Ze didn't wait for Zhou Dashan to respond, and continued: "I told you this to reassure you and not to be burdened."

"As long as you are wronged, no matter who is involved, I will find him to settle accounts one by one."


Zhou Dashan stared blankly at the young man in front of him.

At this moment, he seemed to see hope.

Now, are there really police officers who, as the other party said, will avenge their low-level people at all costs? After being quiet for a while, Zhou Dashan opened his mouth and asked, "Captain Fang, do you believe I didn't kill anyone?"

Fang Ze nodded: "I believe."

Two words without hesitation made Zhou Dahong.

Eight years ago, except for his younger brother Zhou Zhe, no one said these two words for the first time.

Neighbors, villagers, policemen, judges, and all lawyers all identified him as a murderer.

And it's still the kind of perverted murderer who is mentally twisted and has no conscience! He has been wearing this hat for eight years.

Unexpectedly, today, eight years later, I still meet people who are willing to re-investigate the case.

Zhou Dashan glanced at Fang Ze slightly, squeezed out a smile and said, "Captain Fang, eight years ago, you should still be in college."

"Unfortunately, if I graduated a few years earlier, maybe I wouldn't have to bear so many things."

Fang Ze took out a cigarette and said, "It's not too late."


Zhou Dashan nodded and said, "Let's talk about Captain Fang, I'll tell you everything you want to know."

Fang Ze lit a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Dao: "When the case happened, you didn't have an alibi, where did you go?"

Regarding this question, Zhou Dashan had no recollection and said directly: "I am in Qingzhou."

It seemed that he was very impressed.

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