Shen Kai already understood what Fang Ze wanted to express.

The reason why the murderer cut up the body and threw it at the junction of Dongli and Qingzhou was to express his dissatisfaction with the police in disguise, Fang Ze said: "In the current situation, there should be only this possibility."

The child abuse case in Cheongju eight years ago, the police investigated for a long time without results, and finally one day suddenly locked the suspect Zhou Dashan and hastily closed the case.

In the kidnapping case that happened in Dongli eight years ago, the police caught the criminal in just two days.

Although the child was not rescued, it was an accident and difficult to avoid.

At least when comparing the two cases, the differences are quite obvious.

one that is valued.

One is not taken seriously.

The murderer put half of the corpse in Dongli and the other half in Cheongju, which is what he wanted to express.

The purpose is to involve both city bureaus and replicate the scene from that year.

Of course, he wouldn't be so bored that he really let the two sides test the speed of detection.

What the murderer really wants to do is kill these four people.

The rest are not that important.

Shen Kaidao: "Fang team, do you need to continue to investigate Dongli's kidnapping case?"

Now everything is still in the inferential stage, and it cannot be ruled out that the case is not implicated in the murderer.

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "It's not necessary"

"The purpose of the murderer is revenge. Since there is no problem with Dongli's kidnapping case, there is no need to investigate it."

"Our focus will be on the child abuse cases in Cheongju."

Hearing this, Shen Kai said: "Fang team, confirm that the murderer is killing for this case"

Although a lot of clues have been discovered in the past two days, they basically stayed on the inquiry.

There seems to be no real evidence.

Fang Ze glanced at Shen Kai and said, "You overlooked one thing."



Shen cleared his doubts.

Fang Ze said: "At the scene of the three murders, didn't they all find the same plum-shaped hairpin?"

Shen Kai nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

Fang Ze said slowly: "The deceased in the child abuse case also wore a plum-shaped hairpin."

Hearing this, Shen Kai's face changed slightly.

He hadn't seen the dossier and didn't know it.

No wonder Fang Ze is so committed to the murderer in order to retaliate for the child abuse case.

No wonder Fang Ze went to find Zhou Dashan.

It was because of this.

Shen Kai pondered for a while and said, "Is it possible that the murderer is for those two children?"

Fang Ze said: "No."

"If it's for the sake of children, there is absolutely no need to target those involved in the trial."

"This matter is very targeted and definitely has something to do with Zhou Dashan."

"I was a little strange before, who would be involved with Zhou Dashan."

Shen Kai understood.

When Fang Ze learned that Zhou Dashan still had a younger brother, he would have listed him as a major suspect immediately. "Fang team, can you find the evidence?"

Shen Kai opened his mouth in a deep voice.

Fang Ze was silent for a while, and instead of answering this, he sighed.

"Zhou Zhe's suspected crime will be brought to justice sooner or later."

"It's a pity that the two brothers suffered an innocent disaster because of an unrelated case."

"One spent eight years in prison."

"One kills for his own brother."

Shen Kai looked at Fang Ze in front of him.

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He suddenly felt that the focus of the other party's concern did not seem to be on this case.

"Fang team, this matter."

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