Shen Kai was also a little helpless.

If Zhou Dashan is really as Fang Ze deduced, he will be wronged.

That was really unfortunate.

With Fang Ze's character, once the case is over, I am afraid that all those involved in the investigation of this case at that time will be severely held accountable.

Cheongju, at that time, it is estimated that there will be a big change.

After the two were silent for a while, Shen Kai broke the silence: "Fang team, let's investigate Zhou Zhe first, at least solve the case in front of us."

Fang Ze rubbed his forehead and said, "I don't want to check, I'm tired."


Shen Kai was stunned for a moment, his face covered in circles.

Fang Ze rubbed his forehead and said, "Notice Cao Wenkang to arrest Zhou Zhe, and I'll go to Qingzhou immediately."


Shen Kai couldn't keep up with the rhythm of Fang Ze's thinking.

Before the investigation began, they were directly arrested without any evidence at all.

Fang Ze repeated: "Execute the order."

"it is good."

Although he didn't understand Fang Ze's intentions, Shen Kai didn't ask more, took out his mobile phone and called Cao Wenkang.

"Hey Cao team, I'm Shen Kai."

"The team ordered to arrest Zhou Zhe immediately and detain him at the Qingzhou Municipal Bureau. He will arrive later."

"If you ask me, how would I know to catch it!"


After hanging up the phone, Shen Kai looked at Fang Ze and said, "Fang team, Cao Wenkang is ready to act."

"It is estimated that in half an hour, Zhou Zhe will be able to stay at the Qingzhou Municipal Bureau honestly."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go over right away, how about you?"

Shen Kai didn't hesitate, and said directly: "I will go too."

He wanted to know why Fang Ze arrested Zhou Zhe without any investigation or evidence.

after an hour.

Cheongju City Bureau.

Fang Ze got off the car and walked quickly into the hall.

Outside the interrogation room, Cao Wenkang had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Fang Ze, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Fang team, people are inside."

"Okay, let's go in."

Saying that, Fang Ze took a step and was about to go in.

"That... square team"

At this moment, Cao Wenkang's voice sounded.

Fang Ze stopped, turned his head and said, "What's wrong?"

Cao Wenkang hesitated for a moment, then said, "The case has not yet been investigated, and if it is only based on interrogation, he probably won't."

There are very few prisoners in this world who are willing to admit their crimes.

They are still stubborn when there is evidence, let alone that they have no evidence in their hands.

He wondered why Fang Ze would do this.

Fang Ze glanced at him, then looked at the equally strange Shen Kai.

"Zhou Zhe did not kill for himself, but for others."

"When such criminals start their actions, they actually don't care about their own fate."


Having said that, Fang Ze paused.

"And, he should be waiting for someone."

Saying that, Fang Ze pushed open the door and walked into the interrogation room.

"Wait for someone"

Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai looked at each other and quickly followed.

Chapter 650 I am here [1]

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