It is better to admit it directly and leave Zhou Dashan a chance to redress his grievances.

Then here comes the problem.

Fang Ze, is it really as powerful as rumored? After being silent for a long time, Zhou Zhe laughed at himself.

This question is deceiving oneself.

The other party can in such a short period of time, without any clues and evidence, just infer that he is the murderer.

With the facts in front of him, he had to admit that Fang Ze was so powerful.

What's more, what Fang Ze said was right.

When he did this, he did hold "wait for someone"


If someone can solve this case, it means that this person can also solve the child abuse case eight years ago.

At this time, Fang Ze had already stood up.

It seemed that he was going to leave, not intending to waste any more time.

"Wait a moment."

When Fang Ze turned his head, Zhou Zhe's voice sounded.

Fang Ze moved for a while and looked over.

Zhou Zhe slowly raised his head, stared at Fang Ze and said, "Yes, I did it."

When this sentence sounded, Shen Kai and Cao Wenkang were shocked at the same time.

I really admitted that without any clues, no direction of investigation, and no evidence, Zhou Zhe actually took the initiative to admit that he had been a criminal policeman for so many years.

No criminal can take the initiative to explain the crime.

But Fang Ze, with just a few words, completely destroyed Zhou Zhe's psychology and defense.

Although the method is not very glorious, solving the case is to do whatever it takes.

Fang Ze smiled.

He sat back in his seat and said, "Very good."

"Now, we can finally have a good chat."

After speaking, he waved his hand and said, "You go out first and turn off the public speakers."

Shen Kai and Cao Wenkang looked at each other and nodded, "Yes."

The two quickly left the interrogation room.

At this moment, only Fang Ze and Zhou Zhe were left in the interrogation room.

No third person will hear their conversation.

Of course, the recording will remain.

That will be future testimony in court.

Without waiting for Fang Ze to speak, Zhou Zhe said quickly, "Fang team, do you really believe that my brother didn't kill anyone?"

Up to now, what he cares about is still himself, but Zhou Dashan.

Seeing this, Fang Ze sighed.

He felt sorry for Zhou Zhe.

The other party is a very good young man, and there is no psychological problem.

The murder was entirely because his brother was wrongfully imprisoned.

Again, it's not worth it.

For Zhou Zhe's question, Fang Ze nodded earnestly and said, "I believe."

"I have conducted preliminary investigations in the past few days. The child abuse case in Cheongju eight years ago is indeed a big problem."

"All the allegations against Zhou Dashan, except for the witnesses, are worth scrutinizing."

"I'm sure

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, your brother did not kill anyone."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhe took a deep breath and said gratefully: "Fang team, thank you!"

"The responsibility lies."

While speaking, Fang Ze took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhou Zhe.

This time, Zhou Zhe took it.

It seems that he smokes.

After lighting a cigarette for Zhou Zhe, Fang Ze lit another one for himself and said, "Do you want to talk about your own case or Zhou Dashan's case."

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