Zhou Zhe took a puff of cigarette, calmed down, and said, "Listen to the team."

"you ask I answer."

Seeing Zhou Zhe's cooperation, Fang Ze nodded slightly and said, "How do you know that both witnesses and lawyers have problems?"

Zhou Zhe didn't hesitate, and immediately replied: "I don't believe my brother murdered at all, so I have been investigating since my brother was sentenced."

Fang Ze raised his brows: "I checked it for eight years"

Zhou Zhe nodded.

Hearing this, Fang Ze couldn't help but glance at Zhou Zhe.

This kid is quite persistent.

If he were an ordinary person, even if he was his own brother, eight years would be enough to kill off a lot of things.

Fang Ze continued to ask, "What did I find?"

Zhou Zhe said: "Apart from Hu Zili and Zhao Youcai who got a lot of money inexplicably, the same goes for Li Fei and Yao Qingyun."


Hearing this, Fang Ze said in surprise: "Yao Qingyun is Zhou Dashan's defense lawyer, you mean she has also received money"

Mentioning this person, Zhou Zhe gritted his teeth and said coldly, "That's right!"

"Yao Qingyun's litigation fees were extremely high back then, but she took the initiative to come to the door and took over my brother's case at a low price."

"I was too young at that time to see the true face of this vicious woman!"

"I killed my brother!"

Fang Ze looked at Zhou Zhe with a painful expression.

He had just heard about this.

No wonder Zhou Zhe is so persistent.

It seems that he chose the wrong lawyer and indirectly became an accomplice, which made him feel very guilty.

Coupled with the brotherhood between the two, it is not surprising that Zhou Zhe can do so much for Zhou Dashan.

"You checked Yao Qingyun's account"

Zhou Zhe said: "I checked."

"After my brother's case was judged, her account was inexplicably increased by [-] million!"

"Isn't this black money!"

Fang Ze understood.

It seems that Zhou Zhe's judgment of the four people 4 is only at the guessing stage, and there is no hard evidence.

But it's almost a fact.

Now that there is no evidence of death, if you want to investigate, you can only start with the real murderer: one step at a time.

Fang Ze took a cigarette and said helplessly, "Tell me what happened."

Zhou Zhe was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

In the next hour, Zhou Zhe explained his criminal process in detail.

Including the time of killing, the method of killing, and the location of killing.

Nothing was missed.

"In this way, I threw the cut body at the junction of Qingzhou and Dongli."

At the end, Zhou Zhe's voice became smaller and smaller.

Fang Ze couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing his forehead.

He is not thinking about Zhou Zhe or Zhou Dashan now.

It's the real murderer of the child abuse case! This guy killed two innocent children with extremely cruel means back then, which was already a capital crime.

Not only that, in order to get rid of the crime and make arrangements after the incident, he found a scapegoat like Zhou Dashan.

Let an innocent man spend eight years in prison.

In the end, Zhou Zhe was also implicated in resentment and revenge for murder.

All of this must be counted on this person's head

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 653 Re-investigating old cases [1]

Zhou Zhe's case is over.

Since he had intended to plead guilty, there was no need to conceal anything.

It is worth mentioning that after Zhou Dashan was sentenced to death, Zhou Zhe deliberately took anatomy as an elective.

It seems that from that moment on, he was learning the corresponding skills and preparing for revenge.

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