A scalpel can save people, but it can also kill people.

It depends on the person holding the knife, whether it is to save the dead or help the wounded, or to plan a murder.

Obviously, Zhou Zhe is the former.

From the perspective of the public, Zhou Zhe brutally killed four people for his own personal vendetta, which is absolutely unforgivable.

From the perspective of the two brothers, Fang Ze could only sigh inwardly again.

In a way, who can be responsible for them? "Fang team, do you have anything else to ask?"

After saying everything, Zhou Zhe seemed to relax a lot.

Seeing that Fang Ze was silent, he couldn't help but ask.

Fang Ze raised his eyes and said, "Yes, but it is no longer necessary."

"How much do you know about Zhou Dashan's case?"

Referring to the child abuse case eight years ago, Zhou Zhe came to his senses and said, "Although I haven't found much, there are two things I can be sure of."

"First, the murderer is definitely a rich and powerful person in Qingzhou, and he is not very old."

"Second, he looks normal on the surface, but in fact he is a pervert!"

"Maybe in these eight years, he has continued to commit crimes!"


Fang Ze glanced at Zhou Zhe in surprise.

These two points are consistent with his psychological profile of the murderer.

It seems that in recent years, although Zhou Zhe has worked in a pharmaceutical company, he has also studied knowledge in the field of criminology.

Fang Ze opened his mouth and wanted to discuss the case with the other party a little.

Since Zhou Zhe has been investigating secretly for eight years, he must be able to know some useful information.

But thinking of the identity of the other party's murderer, he gave up.

In my heart, I can't help but feel sorry.

"I see."

"I will try my best to investigate your brother's case."

"As for you."

Fang Ze shook his head helplessly, then stood up.

According to Zhou Zhe's actions, any judge in the country will probably give "the death penalty, execute immediately"

's judgment.

Unless the judge can take the motive into account.

Zhou Zhe raised his head, looked at Fang Ze who stood up, and said, "I know, it will be sentenced to death."

"It doesn't matter, at least, my purpose has been achieved."

Fang Ze didn't expect this guy to be so free and easy.

It seems that from the moment he started, he was ready to bear the consequences.

Fang Ze said nothing and turned to leave.

"Captain Fang!"

Zhou Zhe's voice came from behind.

Fang Ze stopped and turned to look.

"Is there anything else to say?"

Zhou Zhe was silent for a while, and said, "What if you can't catch the murderer?"

Hearing this, Fang Ze said, "There is no if."

These words reveal themselves.

After speaking, he walked towards the door of the interrogation room.

After opening the door, Fang Ze paused and added: "If I can't catch it, I will apply for a retrial of the case, and I will attend the trial."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

That's what he's worried about.

Now that Fang Ze has made a promise, he has no regrets.

outside the interrogation room.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Seeing Fang Ze coming out, Cao Wenkang and Shen Kai hurried forward.

Fang Ze said directly: "Everyone in the criminal police team, have a meeting."

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