“In this case, let’s find a gathering point to settle down, gather intelligence, and collect some materials.”

Gu Changqing murmured softly and stood up.

He raised his hand and summoned the three Holy Dao Killing Swords that were floating in the Earth’s Heart Fire Eye but had been upgraded to the upper limit, and sighed with some regret.

The Earth’s Heart Fire Eye here, the Earth’s Heart Fire in it is indeed useful, but unfortunately the quantity is limited. In the past few days of retreat and sacrifice, they have been consumed, otherwise Gu Changqing really wants to stay for a few more days.

Fortunately, after these days of sacrifice, the grades of these three Holy Dao Killing Swords have also been greatly improved.

Although there is still a certain gap from the Holy King Killing Sword, the power is greatly improved compared to before.

“I still have some quasi-sacred materials and sacred materials from the Blazing Fire Mine. I haven’t used them because of the incompatible properties. I can go to the gathering point to trade and see if I can buy suitable materials!”

Gu Changqing immediately raised the divine rainbow and rushed to a larger gathering point nearby.

The Desolate Tower is vast, containing three thousand small worlds. Its area is almost comparable to the Desolate Realm.

Such a vast land naturally has not only various kinds of relics and sacred treasures, but also living creatures.

The original inhabitants of the Desolate Tower world are said to date back to the ancient times. They are part of the branch monks of the Taoist sect established by the Lord of the Desolate Tower. They entered the Desolate Tower to avoid the ancient war and preserve their bloodline.

After endless years, they have adapted to the rules of the Desolate Tower, but they conflict with the laws of the outside world, so they can only stay in the Desolate Tower.

Over the long years, they have multiplied and formed a vast tribe.

In addition, a considerable number of creatures that entered the Desolate Tower in the past have adapted to the rules of the world of the Desolate Tower by chance, and also stayed and became the new generation of “indigenous people” of the Desolate Tower.

These indigenous people, regardless of old or new, have established gathering points in various small worlds of the Desolate Tower.

Whenever the Desolate Tower is opened, the monks from the outside world who enter the Desolate Tower for training and treasure hunting will rush to the gathering points during the intervals, either to trade their gains or to inquire about information.

Gu Changqing had only heard about this information, and there was no map to guide him.

But after destroying the Red Mist Sect, Gu Changqing got a lot of information, which made up for this shortcoming.

Moshan City, this is a relatively famous gathering point in the Fire Element Small World, and it is also Gu Changqing’s destination.

After paying the 100 spirit crystals required to enter the city, there were no twists and turns, and Gu Changqing successfully entered the city.

His goal was clear. After entering the city, he went straight to the market. There were many monks here. It was the most lively and prosperous place in Moshan.

Not only did the monks from the outside world trade here, but even many natives came to Moshan City to sell their treasures.

Compared with the monks from outside who entered the Desolate Tower for training, they stayed in the Desolate Tower for a longer time. Although they could not use the ancient teleportation array to go to other small worlds like the monks from outside, they explored the various ruins and secret places in their respective small worlds more deeply.

Even if they could not enter some areas due to their strength, they could always find out some information from them and bring back some scales and feathers.

Therefore, many monks from the outside world, after entering the gathering point, would not only trade with the monks from the outside world, but also focus on the stalls of these natives, trying to discover secrets from them, explore treasures, and try to pick up leaks.

Gu Changqing also followed the local customs and released his spiritual sense.

He was not naive, and did not think there was anything to be missed. He just wanted to see if there were any treasures that caught his eye, but when he saw this, his eyes could not help but sparkle!

In front of the stall of an aboriginal, there were various antiques, and several of them were shining brightly. He placed them in the middle of the stall. They were obviously his flagship products, proud harvests, and marked a very high price, attracting many monks who came to the market to stop and watch, and admired them.

But what Gu Changqing cared about was not those treasures, but a pile of waste harvests randomly piled up next to this aboriginal strongman. To be precise, it was a certain animal skin roll among these waste harvests.

The animal skin roll was covered with dust and a layer of gray. It was hard to see what was magical about it. It was piled with other miscellaneous items, and no monk would take it seriously.

However, Gu Changqing released his divine sense and sensed the extraordinaryness of the animal skin scroll. There were ancient and complex inscriptions on it, which contained a kind of Taoism, like a map, guiding an ancient mansion!

“Could this be a map leading to a holy mansion?”

Gu Changqing’s heart moved slightly.

At this time, a cultivator next to him spoke up, also eyeing the pile of miscellaneous items: “Boss, what’s the price of this pile of stuff?””This pile of stuff, huh, young man, you want to pick up a bargain, right? I advise you not to think about it!”

The boss heard this and did not immediately rush to sell it. Instead, he shook his head and sneered, saying with a serious look: “I have also checked this pile of stuff and made sure there is nothing good before selling it. Are you sure you want to buy it?”

Hearing the boss’s words, the monks present, especially those from the outside world, did not retreat, but became more and more interested.

Even the monk who asked the price first had his eyes brightened.

Picking up a bargain, isn’t it from the things that the boss has checked but has not found any treasures?

Gu Changqing’s eyes also became brighter and brighter.

However, he was not excited, and remained calm, standing in the crowd without saying a word.

And the aboriginal boss saw that the young monk was still asking for the price, and did not persuade him anymore. He simply stretched out his hand with five fingers open.

“Give me this amount!”

“Five thousand spirit crystals? Deal!”

“Five thousand? Ha! This is fifty million!”

The aboriginal warrior sneered and quoted the price, which frightened the young cultivator who spoke.

Fifty million spirit crystals, what is this concept?

Under normal circumstances, a sect’s primary emperor weapon corresponding to the Xuan Emperor Realm would be priced at this price.

Such a pile of broken copper and rotten iron, dare to offer fifty million spirit crystals?

Even some of the aboriginals who were attracted here were not calm.

This price is really a bit too exaggerated.

“Manniu tribe, aren’t you cheating people?”

“That’s right, fifty million spirit crystals, selling such a pile of broken copper and rotten iron? You are exaggerating!”

Some aboriginal cultivators couldn’t help but come out to speak up for justice.

However, the aboriginal boss snorted coldly, crossed his arms, and his horns glowed with divine light, with a look of disdain on his face: “You know nothing, I can’t see any treasures in these things, but do you know where these things came from? From [Liaoyuan Valley]!”

“What? These are ancient artifacts unearthed in Liaoyuan Valley?”

“Doesn’t that mean that there may be clues related to [Liaoyuan Bell Realm] in these things?”

Liaoyuan Valley is a well-known forbidden area in the Fire World. It is said that it is the Taoist school established by the Lord of the Desolate Tower in the past, and the place where his disciples of the alchemy lineage practiced in seclusion.

However, the Desolate Tower has been silent for many years, and the Liaoyuan Valley is naturally no longer as prosperous as it used to be. Over time, it has become a restricted area, and only the outer area can allow cultivators to approach.

If anyone rashly goes deep, he will be burned to death by the divine fire gushing from the ground, and he can’t resist it at all!

But in fact, there has always been a rumor in this small world that there is actually a way out in Liaoyuan Valley, a way to bypass the restricted area, enter the depths of Liaoyuan Valley, and obtain the supreme alchemy inheritance in the Taoism established by the Lord of the Desolate Tower in the past!

The Lord of the Desolate Tower is an immortal. Even if the Taoism he established is not a true immortal-level Taoism, it is also a supreme inheritance below the immortal level.

How strong is the alchemy inheritance in such a Taoism? Need I say more?

Therefore, as soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene became obviously heated.

Even Gu Changqing couldn’t help but narrow his eyes, but he was still calm and calm, and even released his consciousness to scan the surroundings. Immediately, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


He noticed that after hearing the aboriginal boss say that these sundries came from Liaoyuan Valley, there were several people in the crowd who were attracted. The eyes of foreign cultivators like him were also bright.

And their eyes, like his own, were fixed on the pile of sundries. To be precise, it was the gray animal skin that contained the [map] if you looked closely.

If it was just that, it would be fine.

But just as Gu Changqing noticed the foreign cultivators with lightning eyes, his spiritual sense also sensed that the aboriginal boss who seemed to be straightforward and without any schemes, the strong man of the Bull Tribe, glanced at him quickly, and then glanced at the monks with lightning eyes and extraordinary divine sense for a moment.

His actions were very obscure, and the foreign cultivators with extraordinary divine sense did not notice it. They were all attracted by the news revealed by the aboriginal boss. Only Gu Changqing noticed the change and his eyes became playful!

His eyes fell on the animal skin again. This time he was not distracted and observed it attentively. After a while, he found the secret.

“Sure enough, this map is fake. It seems to contain the rhyme of Tao and is full of spiritual light, but if you really get it in your hands, you can feel that the so-called guidance and traces of Tao on it are very fresh. The time of engraving may not even be a hundred years!”

Gu Changqing sneered and turned to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a little spiritual movement,His spiritual consciousness was touched, and he turned his eyes and landed on the treasures displayed on the stall of the stall owner. To be more precise, it was in the center of the treasures.

On an ancient jade ring that the stall owner had placed there with great care!

“How many spirit crystals do you want for this jade pendant?”

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