Kannabi Bridge.

The sky was clear blue, with white clouds stretching for thousands of miles. The weather was always hot, but today it was surprisingly cool.

The breeze brought fresh air from the woods, which was slightly cool and refreshing.

The stone door slowly opened, and Uchiha Madara stepped out. There was a shortage of food in the base, and it was indeed hunting time, so he rarely went out to get some fresh air.

Speaking of which, since the Uchiha of Konoha started the internal strife, Kannabi and Hikari rarely came out to eat, but Madara could stand the loneliness. As long as he didn’t say it, no one knew that he was still a little lonely.

At first, Madara thought Kannabi was planning something big.

For example, inciting them to split from Konoha, or taking the opportunity to stock up some fresh Sharingan as experimental materials for fusing Hashirama’s gene fluid, etc.

Although those guys were hopeless, they still inherited the bloodline of the Sage Eye after all, so they still had some value.

Until Guang told him that Shen Yu was just to guide his nephew out of Konoha and dig a few kids from Konoha to study the gene fusion experiment.

Madara couldn’t help but fall into deep thought: Is this kid too idle?

Although the awakening of the Samsara Eye is still a long way off, and he himself doesn’t know when he can awaken the power of the universe described in the stone tablet, but one day, he will open the real eyes of the sage, absorb all the tailed beasts, and become the second Six Paths Sage.

At that time, just let the “Infinite Moon Reading” illuminate the world to protect permanent peace, then the false reality at this moment is meaningless.

However, Madara soon laughed dumbly. Shen Yu was raised by him and trained by him. This kid looks very thoughtful, but some of his ideas are still a bit naive.

In his opinion, Shen Yu’s current behavior is nothing more than wanting to become stronger, relying on his own strength and the layout and planning of the grass snake line, to get the same eyes as him.

Because only in this way can we ensure that the plan will not be affected by some uncontrollable factors. Even if Uchiha Madara died one day and failed to awaken the Samsara Eye, there is still Uchiha Shenyu who is still inheriting the mission of shaping eternal peace.

“Is this a kind of… filial piety?” Madara shook his head lightly, with a hint of arc at the corner of his mouth.

In the forest, a huge wild boar was sleeping soundly in a cave, with a bulging belly that could fit a pub, and snoring like thunder.

Madara walked up to the cave with a swagger, raised his hand casually, and shot a stone into the cave, which bounced repeatedly on the wall of the cave, causing a crisp collision sound.

And this sound is undoubtedly comparable to an alarm clock for the wild boar. It opened its eyes as if in response, and its fierce eyes immediately locked on Uchiha Madara.

For this tiny human who trespassed into its territory and dared to disturb its sleep, it immediately roared, bared its fangs, and dug the ground with all four hooves at the same time, and rushed straight over with its mountain-like body.

Madara stood still, one hand gently resting on the handle of the knife, until the wind blew and the wild boar’s body completely covered him, then he started to move.


The ninja sword was unsheathed, and the sword was drawn neatly and cut into the thick fat layer, accurately cutting off the wild boar’s carotid artery.

The wild boar howled miserably, accompanied by splattering blood, and its huge body rolled out of control, while Madara shook off the blood lightly and waited quietly for the wild boar to die.

“Well, enough for two weeks.” He nodded with satisfaction.

Near the afternoon, the base was filled with the rich smell of meat. Madara cut the fresh streaky pork into dice in the kitchen, each only half the size of a shuriken, and slid it into the pan to fry.

The reason for this is that Guang’s mouth is very small, and eating too big a piece of meat will easily stain his lips.

While the meat was cooking, Ban began to stir-fry the sugar color, and then various seasonings were added to the pot. He skillfully controlled the heat by stirring the spoon, and in a few seconds, a pot of fragrant, soft, fat and non-greasy braised pork was cooked.

The color is bright and rosy, and it is quite appetizing just by looking at it. This is all thanks to the sugar color.

After all, Shen Yu is a person who will only pick up chopsticks if he sees the appearance. If your dishes look ordinary, he may not even look at them.

After doing all this, he untied his apron, made himself a cup of tea, and sat on the stone chair as usual, waiting for the two to return.

A few days ago, they made an appointment to come back for dinner.

Ban held the teacup, his thoughts were erratic, but suddenly, the intuition of the strong made him frown.

There was a dark spot in front of his eyes, and the space was divided into countless rectangular boxes. As they turned over, a portal opened in front of Madara’s eyes, as if a dark eye had opened.

He remained calm in the face of danger, his face was not at all flustered, as if nothing in the world could shake his determination, and he continued to drink tea.

Until… twoPeople suddenly appeared from the closed cave.

One of them was his apprentice, and the other one…?

Shen Yu’s black hair was flying, his eyes were red like a red ribbon, and the strong green air seemed like a fluttering battle robe, and it seemed like a clear flame was burning. Every move he made could make the air tremble, and his aura was extremely powerful.

This was clearly the state of the “Sixth Jingmen”!

He was fighting? The enemy might be very strong to force him to use this state?

Then… the one he was stepping on was the enemy?

“Master Madara?”

Smelling the familiar meat fragrance and seeing the familiar face, Shen Yu suddenly hesitated for a moment, and his mind was filled with a sense of disharmony like a disorder of time and space. The originally domineering and oppressive cold eyes also became much clearer after seeing Madara.

A ray of blue light flashed across the sky. It was a huge blue bone hand holding a curved sword blade like a snake.

Two pale arms flew up, and fell to the ground with a “snap”, and something in their hands rolled “bone”.

Shen Yu came back to his senses and looked carefully, only to find that it was the red fish basket that was bitten to half!

“Don’t be distracted, have you forgotten what I taught you? Always pay attention to the enemy’s movements.”

Madara stood up from the stone chair, surrounded by a circle of solid skeletons, and he took action.

“Damn it! None of you can stop me!”

Urashiki shouted, his hands grew out again, and his body turned into countless paper cranes, disappearing from Shen Yu’s feet, and when he reappeared, he was already outside the base.

“The enemy has the ability of time and space ninjutsu, which must be solved at once, otherwise it will be a serious problem.”

Madara dispersed Susanoo, drew out a ninja sword with great vigor, and walked to the door before looking back:

“Why are you still standing there?”

“Oh!” Shen Yu nodded with a strange look on his face.

He was a little surprised that old Madara could be so calm when facing the Otsutsuki. After all… well…

This was a person who could instantly shatter his worldview and completely refute his supreme “Moon Eye Plan”.

But he was tactful and kept silent, and rushed out of the base with Madara.

When the two saw Urashiki, this guy actually dug out his own eyes and swallowed them one by one.

“Tsk.” Madara frowned, “I finally made braised pork.”

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