Outside the base.

Shen Yu watched Otsutsuki Urashiki’s body slowly rise into the air with an expressionless face. Shen Yu was not unfamiliar with his move of digging out his own eyes and swallowing them.

In the original time and space, he opened the “Crane Form” in this way. After the transformation, Urashiki could not use all the abilities before the transformation, including the tricky space-time magic, but he became extremely powerful in physical skills and strength.

Shen Yu’s pupils were deep, and his momentum did not weaken at all. The green steam on his body continued to burn, like a fiercely rolling battle flag.

With only the state of “Sixth Jingmen”, he could beat Urashiki into mud. He was very curious about how strong Urashiki could be after the transformation.

Madara’s eyes were also calm, but he suddenly froze for a moment, because he sensed a familiar breath from Urashiki.

“I actually paid this price…” Urashiki’s faint voice came from mid-air.

“Uchiha Shenyu, you are unforgivable!”

He suddenly opened his hands, and his already thin and tall body swelled a little more. His hands transformed into a pair of huge wings, white and dense, like a crane descending from the sky. His two feet also turned into black claws, black horizontal stripes covered his cheeks, and wing-like horns grew on his head.

Three golden rays of light shone on his face, and the eyes that had been dug out before actually regenerated into golden white eyes. On his forehead, a golden samsara eye quietly opened! The golden pupils flashed with anger, hatred, and the cruel punishment of God.

“Is that… the samsara eye?”

For the first time, Madara’s face, which had been silent for more than ten years, showed fluctuations.

“Who is he!”

Looking at Urashiki’s golden samsara eye, Madara suddenly opened his eyes wide. Although his expression did not change much, his trembling pupils still showed his inner shock.

Before Shen Yu could answer, Urashiki introduced himself directly, his tone full of ferocity:

“I am Otsutsuki Urashiki, a man from the outer world, the owner of the sacred tree, and the god who rules over you, a bunch of inferior species!”

He spread his wings, and a whirlwind rolled up from the ground, with flying sand and rocks. Shen Yu and Madara stood still, their black hair dancing wildly in the wind.

“Sacred tree?” Madara frowned, “God?”

“Humph, you are just a bunch of monkeys, the bastards left behind by Kaguya, it’s all because of her waste that she left you guys to pollute our Otsutsuki bloodline!”

“Open your mouth Otsutsuki, shut up Otsutsuki, I really don’t see, where is your nobility?” Shen Yu snorted coldly.

“Shut up! To us, your planet is nothing more than the nourishment of the sacred tree! Even the chakra you are so proud of comes from the fruit of our sacred tree!”

“You just said ‘we’?” Madara immediately grasped the key point, “Do you have other tribesmen?”

“I’m not interested in explaining to the dead!” Urashiki said angrily: “Uchiha Shenyu! I will destroy all the things you cherish most and kill all the people you care about most. He… is the first one!”

The last word was stretched out at a very fast speed. Urashiki rushed to Madara in the blink of an eye, and black iron rods emerged from his two claws, as if to nail Madara to the ground.

But Madara did not move.

The afterimage flashed, and Urashiki was hit in the chest by Shenyu’s fierce knee before he touched the corner of Madara’s clothes. The iron rod was also shattered by Shenyu’s slap. The whirlwind swept away the dust and smoke, and he shot into the sky at a faster speed.

“How dare you call yourself a god in front of me?”

The ground suddenly exploded, and the divine feather turned into a green stream that shot straight into the sky, spreading layers of air waves in the sky, and instantly caught up with the flying Urashiki.

The fist pierced through the air and slammed in front of Urashiki with overwhelming momentum.

Urashiki’s eyes shrank, and violent anger suddenly appeared in his eyes. The surging power passed along his legs, and his claws flashed with a thick purple light, kicking out fiercely.

The fists and claws intersected, and there was a loud bang. The huge shock wave set off a gust of wind, and the clouds were instantly torn apart.

The divine feather moved back dozens of meters, but Urashiki seemed to have lost his balance and rolled for hundreds of meters before he regained his balance.

“You can block my ordinary punch, it seems that you have become extremely powerful. Then, try my trick!”

Shenyu disappeared instantly, and a huge air cannon shot out, covering Urashiki from bottom to top, like a volcanic eruption, so fast that there is no escape at all.

“You–” Urashiki’s face was distorted, but before he could curse, the second air cannon came roaring down, fixing him in the air, unable to move!

Its momentum was like thunder, and the surging and powerful fist force flattened the air curtain within a radius of 100 meters. Even if he transformed into the “Crane Form”, Urashiki still couldn’t keep up with Shenyu’s speed, like a leaf boat in a storm, floating up and down with the surging sea.

Shenyu looked like a ghost, stepping on the void, rushing around UrashikiFlying, in just one second, countless afterimages flashed quickly, the twisted airflow rippled with visible ripples, and the air cannons continued to blast from all angles.

Pu Shi was like a bird trapped in a cage, the white horn on his head “cracked” and shattered, through the flesh, the bones and muscles of the whole body were buzzing, and were torn madly by the surging fist force, and it was about to be shattered!


He roared, and the golden reincarnation eye between his eyebrows shone brightly, like a blazing golden flame burning!

An invisible wave spread out from Pu Shi, with him as the center, the repulsive force expanded!

In the criss-crossing transparent air curtain of “Xi Xiang Shensu Ji”, the airflow around Pu Shi rotated rapidly, and a vacuum air cover was stretched out with him as the center, expanding outward rapidly!

After only expanding to three feet outside the body, the boundary of the air cover stopped advancing and began to crumble.

“You’re dead, Pu Shi!”

Shen Yu fell from the sky like a meteor, and stepped hard on Pu Shi’s back, with violent force penetrating his body!

The sound of bone cracking was as dull as thunder, his internal organs were shattered and displaced, hot blood surged, and Pu Shi coughed up blood uncontrollably!

Shen Yu raised his hands and took advantage of the situation to grab his pair of wings.

The vast force suddenly erupted, and with a “click”, he actually tore off Pu Shi’s wings. With a shrill scream, two bird wings stained with blood slowly fell, and white feathers flew.

Shen Yu’s face was grim, and his whole body was covered with green flames. His divine light was brilliant, like a god of war in armor, with an imposing aura.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and the red flames like lava burned in his pupils. A huge amount of black air condensed in his palm. The heavy sound of the wind was torn apart by a loud dragon roar, and a slender magic gun appeared in his hand.

“Doujian Huangba Tu·Golden Gathering!”

Shenyu raised his spear and stabbed fiercely. The sharp spear tip broke through the chest and pierced through the heart from the back of Pu Shi. The two fell together. The earth roared and shook. The dust curtain rose into the sky. A deep and bottomless pit had been smashed out of the original place.

Ban immediately flew to the edge of the pit. The wind whistled. A beam of green light instantly broke through the dust and smoke. Shenyu jumped to his side.

Pu Shi had been nailed into the ground by “Doujian Huangba Tu”. The clear golden light flowed along the array pattern of the spear body. The 80 times gravity pressed him into the ground.

There were continuous small explosions all over his body. It was the bones that were constantly breaking and healing. The power of Gengjin eroded his flesh and blood along the spear body!

Although his body was no longer an ordinary blood net, he still could not escape Shenyu’s series of killings.

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