Konoha Village, Uchiha Clan Land.

In the afternoon, the sun shines through the high windows of the inner hall, pouring into the room that was just full of tension.

As Uchiha Naka announced the adjournment of the meeting, the inner hall began to hear a slight sound of chairs moving and low and fragmented conversations.

Just now, Uchiha Naka, the clan leader, called the entire clan together for an unprecedented emergency meeting. Even the guards who were on duty outside were called back.

The content of the meeting was also very simple. Naka, who won the position of clan leader through a death fight, actually began to criticize the death fight. In front of all the clan members, he admitted the bloodiness and cruelty of this rule, and proved through various tragedies in the past that this was the root cause of the Uchiha civil strife, and personally denied… everything he had done.

With tears in his eyes, he revealed his true feelings. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, he personally denied everything he had gained now, and announced in public that he was unable to lead the Uchiha clan to a prosperous future and was ready to step down as the clan leader.

As soon as these words came out, a thousand waves were immediately aroused.

Many elders and old men were furious, and they all advised Naka to think twice before acting, and not to act on impulse and disregard the safety of the clan.

There was no way, after all, he was now recognized as the strongest in the clan, and those who could match Naka in strength and status had long been killed in the long internal struggle.

The only one who could compete with him was a woman, and she did not show any desire to seize power.

Stability was hard-won. Although the policy was a bit brutal, it would be difficult for them to find a second person who met the requirements in a short period of time.

But Naka still looked heartbroken. He decided to face reality and stop escaping. He also sealed the forbidden technique “Izanagi” in the clan forever and would not use it unless the clan was in danger of extinction. He paid the price for his past actions.

After a long debate, everyone unanimously decided that the future policy should abolish the bloody death fight and adopt an open and fair election model. As long as the majority of the clan members approve, they can become the head of the clan. Others are not allowed to have any objections. Those who violate the order will be expelled from the Uchiha clan.

As the clan leader, he cannot be arbitrary and arbitrary. He must fully consider everyone’s opinions, make decisions with a collective perspective, abandon personal ideas, and do everything for the Uchiha clan.

As for Uchiha Naka, before a new clan leader appears in Uchiha, he will continue to assume the obligations of the clan leader and exercise the right to lead the clan as the acting clan leader. After the new clan leader takes over, he will hide behind the scenes to prevent bloody incidents from happening again, so as to maintain the stability of the clan.

With this, the meeting ended and everyone left.

At this time, Naka, who was about to leave, was slightly stunned. The intuition of a master told him that there was a faint gaze penetrating the crowd, staring at him without blinking.

He looked back and found the owner of the eyes.

It was a boy about 8 years old, with black hair, handsome face, and a pair of clear eyes like a clear pond, looking at Naka without fear.

The boy’s eyes were as calm as water, and no desire could be seen, but Naka, as the leader, felt a faint edge in him, like a sword hidden in the sheath, clanging.

“Fugaku, it’s time to go, you have classes in the afternoon.”

The boy said “um”, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Three days later, the country of whirlpools.

“So, this is the current situation of the Uchiha clan?”

On the reef on the shore, there stood two figures, one large and one small. The sea was surging, and the waves rolled up several meters high. Although they were close, not a drop of sea water splashed on them.

“Yes, everything is consistent with what Sister Zhili said. It seems that ‘Izanami’ is indeed a powerful eye technique.”

Uchiha Nian’s eyes showed reminiscence, “Thinking back then, this Naka was a person with a very violent personality, but now he actually said the opposite.”

“Why, do you want to learn?”

Shen Yu stretched his waist with satisfaction, his tall figure was visible at a glance, and under the corners of his clothes, his slightly bulging abdominal muscles were revealed, his lines were firm, and his skin was white and translucent, like natural jade.

Now he needs to open the Mangekyo Sharingan to rewind at all times. In order to avoid scaring others, he also wears a pair of sunglasses on his high nose bridge to cover his glass-like pupils.

The two were dressed very casually at the moment, wearing summery shirts, loose beach pants, and even the same T-shirt.

Speaking of which, the two had similar face shapes, except for their eyebrows and eyes, but their facial features were slightly different, and even their body proportions were basically the same, especially after Shen Yu covered his eyes, they looked even more alike.

I don’t knowPeople who knew the Dao thought they were a father and son on a beach vacation.

“Well, speaking of Chiri, I didn’t expect that she really handed the scroll to Konoha.” He asked casually, “How are they now?”

“Wait a minute, uncle.”

Uchiha Nen opened his Sharingan, the black magatama intertwined and fused, and the scarlet sunflower stretched out. He urged his pupil power, and the pattern on his left eye immediately began to rotate.

“Well… the weather is not very good, it’s gray and it’s been raining. It seems that they have arrived in the Land of Rain.”

He chose his words and began to describe everything he “saw”. “Kirito… is he acting like a spoiled child? Sister Zhili couldn’t get rid of him, so she had to hug him in her arms. It’s really rare. Is Kirito actually such a person…”

“Well, there’s no need to be so detailed…” Shenyu looked strange, “Forget it, just know that they are safe and sound.”

Hearing this, Uchiha Nian immediately closed the Sharingan. The slight discomfort and tingling in his left eye soon disappeared slowly under a gentle force in his body. It was a warm feeling like a spring breeze.

“Born with Wood Release and Sharingan, this is the first time I’ve seen someone like you.” Shenyu looked at his nephew and was amazed.

“Uncle, you are too kind.” Nian nodded modestly.

Shen Yu bent down slightly and tilted his head, “Nian, do you know why I brought you with me?”

“Because I am useful. I can always check intelligence even if I am thousands of miles away. I am a good tool.” Nian answered truthfully.

“Puff.” Shen Yu couldn’t hold it back and immediately touched Nian’s head, “Although this is the truth, sometimes you can’t say it to my face. It’s okay to say it to me, but it will hurt others’ hearts if you say it to others.”

This child is good in every way, but his personality is a little too honest.

“Oh, I’ll remember it.” Nian nodded seriously.

“Actually, I brought you out mainly to train you.” Shen Yu muttered softly, “Although it’s useful, it’s true…”


“Yeah, think about it, what should we do next?”

Nian pondered for a moment, “Kill into the Whirlpool Clan and take away all the sealing techniques.”

“Uh…” Shen Yu touched his chin, and his eyes behind the sunglasses revealed a scrutinizing look, “You kid… are you so extreme?”

Nian spread his hands, “Shouldn’t it be like this? Uncle, in your current state, you should really need a sealing technique to suppress the ‘wedge’ seal.”

“How did you know?” Shen Yu asked in surprise.

Nian blinked, “Auntie told me.”

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