“Guang, what is he willing to tell you…”

Looking at his nephew who was winking at him, Shen Yu fell into deep thought, wondering if he should set three rules for Guang in the future, otherwise the mysterious and reliable “uncle” image he had worked hard to build for a long time would be ruined.

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly shuddered.

Guang’s personality is the type that is 100% tough on the outside and gentle on the inside. On the surface, she is cold and graceful like a fairy under the moon, and looks like a stranger who doesn’t want to be approached, but in fact, she is very gentle in her heart.

Sometimes she will be very stubborn, but she is also stubborn in a cute way. Even if she encounters a crisis, the first person she thinks of is not herself.

Shen Yu and Madara are very familiar with this cold and cat-like personality, so they know in their hearts that once they really get into her heart, she will also give equal trust.

Now Guang is in the private laboratory of the Iron Country, cooperating with Orochimaru and Hiruko to conduct gene fusion experiments. Once the experiment is successful, she will also have the power of Hashirama’s cells.

Shen Yu couldn’t help but worry. What if she also established friendship with his two disciples and told others about his past embarrassment?

In that case, wouldn’t he lose the image of a “master” who was unfathomable and used both kindness and force?

He was not worried about Orochimaru. He was originally a calm and introverted person. As long as it was not related to immortality, he would behave quite Buddhist.

It was different with Biluhu. After spending a long time together, Shen Yu also found that this kid was not as honest as he seemed. His ambition was not inferior to Orochimaru at all. He had many ideas, right ideas, a reckless spirit, and his own paranoia about certain things.

In the process of research, we often encounter experiments that even Orochimaru dare not continue to advance. After all, each step requires a lot of data to prove and confirm that the error is within the controllable range before a formal experiment can be carried out.

But Biluhu dared to take action. He believed in his intuition and was good at taking strong measures based on his understanding of the ghost bud Luo plant. Strangely, such “rude” behavior rarely failed.

With this guy’s personality, if he learns his little secret from their “master’s wife”, will there be any hidden dangers in the future?

Shen Yu pondered for a long time, turned his head and said to his nephew: “Look at what your aunt is doing?”

“Uh, uncle, I dare not look.”

Nian, who always obeyed Shen Yu’s words, was embarrassed and tangled at this moment.

“Masters like you will notice something when observing in ‘Kyuenbiku’. Auntie said last time that unless you encounter a strong enemy and have to use her ability, you can watch the copy. It’s not good to watch it rashly like this…”

Nian said carefully, and noticed that Shenyu’s mood was slightly relieved. He struck while the iron was hot and said: “You see, as a junior, it’s not particularly appropriate for me to observe the elders casually…”

“That makes sense…” Shenyu nodded thoughtfully, “Then you can see what Beiliuhu is doing.”

Nian breathed a sigh of relief and immediately activated his pupil power. As the kaleidoscope pattern of his left eye rotated slightly, everything that Beiliuhu was experiencing at the moment was in front of his “eyes” thousands of miles away.

“He is tinkering with the ghost bud Luo plant and looking up information related to astronomical phenomena… From the looks of it, maybe he has a new idea?”

Shen Yu nodded. Since there was nothing unusual, he was too lazy to pry into his disciple’s little secrets. “Well, that’s enough.”

Nian immediately closed his Sharingan and reopened his black pupils, looking harmless.

“They have their tasks, and we have ours.”

Shen Yu raised his right hand and stared at the diamond mark on his palm. A faint light flashed in his scarlet eyes behind his sunglasses, and light purple flowed in the depths of his pupils.

The country of whirlpools is a veritable island country.

It does not border the land, and its domestic territory is quite small, but unlike other countries, it is not under the command and jurisdiction of the daimyo, and there is not even a similar institutional system, so the people are quite free.

The so-called daimyo, that is, people who owned large areas of territory and manors in the early Warring States period, would use a lot of money to hire ninjas to arm themselves in order to consolidate their position and protect their territory from invasion and threats. Over time, they slowly expanded their scale like a snowball, and then became the lord of a country, established a system, and accepted residents. This is the origin of the daimyo.

Under the efforts of Hashirama Senju, the first ninja village was established in the Land of Fire. Countries found that such a system not only did not let the daimyo’s power fall, but also mutually beneficial symbiosis, becoming more and more powerful, so they followed suit. This is also the reason why Hashirama Senju was praised by people in later generations in addition to his strength.

But the Land of Whirlpools is quite special. It has noThe daimyo is not under the control of any big country, and the only leader is the village chief of the ninja village.

The Uzumaki clan has lived here for generations. Although it is an island country, it still has a certain amount of resource production. The reason why it has stood firm until now without being invaded is largely due to the relationship with Konoha Village.

As the Uzumaki clan, which also inherited the blood of the Six Paths Sage, is a distant relative of the Senju clan, and has been on good terms with each other for generations, and has intermarried. During the founding of Konoha, Uzumaki Mito married the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama, and the family emblem representing “Uzumaki” was also used by Konoha ninjas as a proof of friendship with Konoha for generations.

With this relationship, the daimyo of the Fire Country had to give face and let the nearby island country develop freely. After all, Konoha Village is the foundation of the Fire Country’s strength, and there is no need to lose sight of the big picture.

Other countries think the same way. To this day, Konoha Village is still the strongest ninja village in the open. From the perspective of the daimyo of each country, no one wants to be at odds with Konoha Village in the Land of Fire for a tiny piece of land.

The tacit understanding of the countries, coupled with the long history and low-key and gentle nature of the Uzumaki, can allow the Uzumaki Country to develop to this day without constraints.

Although the Uzumaki clan is not large in size, they are powerful and formidable families with strong bloodlines in the ninja world, just like the Uchiha and Senju clan.

Like their distant relatives, the Senju clan, they all inherited the sage body of the Six Paths Sage. They not only have a huge amount of chakra, but also have a very strong vitality. Therefore, the people in the clan are generally very long-lived.

Of course, the most commendable thing about the Uzumaki clan is their magical and unreasonable sealing technique. In the Uzumaki shrine, they even enshrine the mask of the god of death that can summon the god of death.

In the Ninja World War more than a decade ago, the reason why Uzumaki Mito was able to suppress the Second Raikage and eventually kill him was not because of the Seven-Tails in her body, but because of her own powerful sealing technique and chakra.

And Shenyu’s current goal is the Uzumaki clan’s sealing technique.

He did not dare to guarantee 100% that the Uzumaki clan’s sealing technique would definitely suppress the thawing of the “wedge”. After all, Otsutsuki was an extremely special existence. In the original time and space, Naruto had no way to deal with Boruto’s “wedge” seal.

But everything must be tried. The Uzumaki clan has not been exterminated yet, and there may be a chance.

Shenyu smiled slightly. If he could not even grasp this opportunity, he would not have come this far step by step.

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