Hashirama agreed to Shenyu’s request and walked to Shenyu’s side.

“I remind you that my perception is not weaker than any of you. If you act rashly, you will not only not hurt me, but also harm your good granddaughter.”

Shenyu’s eyes slowly swept over Tobirama and the several shadows behind him, “If some people are smart enough to follow, I can guarantee that your ninja village will be more lively than Konoha tonight.”

“Damn kid…” Tobirama was so angry that his teeth itched, and his eyes seemed to want to eat Shenyu alive.

After saying that, Shenyu put his hand on Hashirama, and the Flying Thunder God Technique was activated, and the two disappeared instantly.

“Pass the order down, send someone to the cat house immediately, and let the Uchiha people lead the way!” Tobirama called the Anbu and gave the order with a gloomy face.

He tried his best to calm down his anger, took a few breaths to adjust his facial expression, and then slowly turned around, “Everyone, are you interested in going with me to see Shen Yu’s true body later?”

“Uh… this…”

Huan Yue was embarrassed, “We are here to attend the Hundred Days Banquet. Now that the protagonist is not here, there is no need to hold this banquet.”

He met Tobirama’s cold eyes and shook his head indifferently, “I just said it very clearly that whoever catches up will be retaliated. I am not sure I can keep him.”

“That makes sense.” The second generation Tsuchikage reached a consensus with Huan Yue for the first time. Although his voice was dull, it was sonorous and powerful, “I am here to toast in the Hidden Rock Village, not to make enemies.”

Reto stroked his beard and nodded, “That makes sense. My Sand Village is unwilling to provoke such a lunatic for no reason.”

“This is your Konoha’s family affair, and it is not convenient for me to intervene in the Hidden Cloud Village.” The Thunder Shadow was silent for a moment and also expressed his opinion.

“You! You…” Tobirama looked like he was disappointed with his son. “He is Madara’s disciple and inherited his crazy ideas. Now that things have come to this, you actually think he won’t attack you?”

Huan Yue shook his sleeves and walked towards the gate of Konoha. “Sorry, I suddenly have something urgent to do in Kirigakure. I’m leaving now. No need to see you off.”

Under his lead, the Kazekage and the Raikage led their subordinates to leave the scene one by one, and the crowd of onlookers soon became sparse.

The second generation Tsuchikage did not leave Konoha immediately because his disciple was still lying in the hospital, but he also left without saying a word.

Soon, only Tobirama was left standing alone in front of the Uzumaki Shrine. He looked into the distance, his fists clenched and creaked.

Thousands of miles away, Taki Country, the coast of the North Sea.

With the continuous flashing of the Flying Thunder God Technique, Kamiya and Hashirama soon arrived at their destination.

“The Flying Thunder God Technique is really useful, but it’s a pity…” In Jing’s sea of ​​consciousness, Shen Yu’s spirit smacked his lips.

He had long tried to interrogate Jing’s soul, intending to take advantage of the opportunity to get information about the Flying Thunder God Technique, but the old ghost Tobirama actually put a ban on it.

Before he could “search the soul”, Jing’s soul was wrapped in ink-like restraints, and all information related to the “Flying Thunder God Technique” was sealed.

Not only that, when he possessed several shadows in Konoha before, he also tried to interrogate the information about “Steam Danger Explosion Power”, “Dust Release”, and “Lightning Release Chakra Mode”, but they were all blocked by similar methods.

It seems that in this era, the rights protection work of ninjas is still quite good.

Hashirama stood on the shore and looked around, “Is your real body here?”

Shen Yu smiled slightly, and his spirit immediately withdrew from Uchiha Jing’s eyebrows. Jing shook on the spot and fell down softly as if he had lost consciousness.

Hashirama was quick to help Jing up and let him sit on a reef a little further away.

“Uh… Master Hashirama?” Jing opened his eyes in confusion, looking a little weak.

“You have consumed too much energy, take a rest.” Hashirama said quickly: “After resting, leave here immediately.”

“I… I…” Jing was slightly stunned, and the memory before he lost consciousness suddenly came like a tide. That was… the scene when Shen Yu invaded his mind!

“I was possessed!” Jing was a little flustered, “What did he do with my body?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Hashirama comforted him in a broad voice: “You are a kind child, everything that happened here has nothing to do with you, recover quickly, and then leave here.”

However, Jing could no longer listen. In his mind, the memories of Shen Yu controlling him came one after another, and countless information spread rapidly, almost bursting his fragile mood!

Shen Yu did not deliberately block Jing’s soul, so the things he did with Jing’s body were now completely presented in Jing’s mind like a revolving lantern!

Taking advantage of the chaos to steal Tsunade…

Ridiculing the Five Kage in public…

Mocking Tobirama nonchalantly…

Using Tsunade to coerce Hashirama…”He used my face and my body to do such an excessive thing…”

Jing knelt weakly on the reef, staring at his trembling hands with disbelief on his face.

His Sharingan opened like a stress, and tears flowed uncontrollably, as if he had done those unforgivable things.

Jing was almost out of control, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! If I could react earlier… If I could understand everything about him earlier… All of this, all of this, would not have happened!”

“No! I can still save it, I can still make up for it, Master Hashirama, I know where Princess Tsunade is!”

His eyes lit up, as if a bonfire was lit in a dry well.

“Lord Hashirama, Princess Tsunade is in a casino in a coastal town in the Kingdom of Hot Springs. We, we are going to bring her back now!”

“The Kingdom of Hot Springs?” Hashirama said solemnly, facing the sea, “Then this task is up to you.”

Jing was stunned and said, “What about you?”

Hashirama stared at the surging sea with a calm look, “I have something I must finish.”

Suddenly, the waves became turbulent, and the sea water formed a huge vortex without wind, which intensified until a strong wind suddenly rose on the sea surface, rolling up a waterspout hundreds of meters high.

The huge waves were shaking the whole coast.

Hashirama stood quietly on the coast, with moist water vapor coming towards him, and his clothes were torn by the strong wind. He faced the ups and downs of the waves, like a lone boat in a storm.

Then, a figure jumped out from the center of the vortex, and the violent sound waves smashed the waterspout to pieces. In the chaotic water splashes, this person stood high in the sky, looking down at Hashirama from a high position.

Shen Yu walked in the air, his black hair fluttering in the wind, and water molecules automatically gathered under his feet to form a transparent staircase. Water droplets flowed down his handsome and flawless face, and his blood-red eyes were like a vermilion pool under the moon, without any emotion.

Hashirama raised his head, and the two stood opposite each other, looking at each other calmly.

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