On the sea, the two stood facing each other.

“Finally we meet, Uchiha Kamiya.” Hashirama spoke first, his eyes scrutinizing, “Are you the disciple that Madara cares about the most?”

“Master Hashirama is really forgetful. We met 11 years ago.” Kamiya smiled.

Hashirama sighed, “You were so different then than you are now. You are living in an ideal peace. Why do you want to inherit Madara’s will?”

“That’s just your ideal. Besides, hasn’t Master Hashirama changed a lot?” Kamiya changed the subject and was not brought into the rhythm by Hashirama’s words.

“I have always been protecting precious things. This has never changed.” Hashirama shook his head.

Shen Yu sneered, “The peace you speak of seems to be prosperous and peaceful, but the truth is that this is just a false peace built on your absolute military deterrence.”

“Besides, I seriously doubt whether you still have the strength to suppress everything now.”

Shen Yu pressed the knife with his backhand, and the “Heart of Frost” was unsheathed an inch, iron-blue light splashed out, and the cold breath quickly went up along the wrist.

Hashirama looked up and said in a low voice: “I don’t want to kill you.”

“Does Mr. Hashirama mean that you can kill me at any time?” Shen Yu said expressionlessly.

“You…” Hearing these familiar words, Hashirama’s pupils shrank, and a strange emotion spread throughout his body, “You and Madara… are too similar!”

“Of course, I am his disciple.”

Hashirama frowned, trying to make a final consolation, “Shinyu, why do you have to be like Madara, why… are you all so extreme! Things are not irreversible yet!”

“No, it’s irreversible.” Shenyu’s eyes were cold, and there was a shadow in his lowered eyes, “Unless… you give my brother back to me.”

“I’m right here!” Jing stood up, with sadness in his eyes, “Brother, what do you want?”

Shinyu glanced at him lightly, and his lips opened slightly: “What I want is the pure brother who is not brainwashed and does not say “Konoha is everything” all day long!”

“Do you want to follow the same path as Madara?” Hashirama was silent for a moment and said slowly.

“That’s right.” Shen Yu’s voice was clear and his emotions were high. “If Mr. Hashirama can’t kill me today, I will take crazy revenge on Konoha. Not only Tsunade, but also Hyuga, Sarutobi, Uchiha, Senju, and that clan will not have an easy time!”

“Lord Madara is the builder of peace, and I, Uchiha Shen Yu, am just a pure destroyer!”

He pounded his chest and shouted: “Come on, just like you did to Lord Madara back then, kill me with your own hands!”

“There’s no other way.” Hashirama finally made up his mind. When he raised his head again, his eyes were full of resolute murderous intent. “Uchiha Shen Yu, do you think Madara will mourn for you?”

With a “snort”, Shen Yu took the lead. “The Heart of Frost” drew a huge blade light in the air, and the jade-green light lit up the night sky, and the sea surface was cut in half.

Jing’s body trembled, and he subconsciously tried to dodge. He felt great danger from the blade. At this moment, a tall figure blocked his way.

“Wood Style: Tree Realm Wall!” Hashirama clasped his hands, and countless thick wooden vines instantly grew out of the ground, turning into a five-meter-thick shield in front of the two of them.


The blade was as thin as a hair, and it slashed fiercely on the wooden wall, with wood chips flying everywhere, until a deep blade mark was left, and then it slowly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Shenyu frowned slightly, and his Sharingan quietly changed, and the magatama swirled and connected, spreading and stretching, forming a magnificent and exquisite pattern.

“Jing, let’s go, leave this to me.” Hashirama didn’t look back, staring at the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan with a complicated expression, and said, “The task of bringing Tsuna back to Konoha is now up to you.”

“Hashirama-sama, I…”

“Let’s go, this is not a battle you can interfere with.”

Jing hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind. He quietly left a Flying Thunder God mark on the reef, “Hashirama-sama, please be careful, if you can… please spare his life!”

Hashirama was stunned and looked back at him, “What did you say? Do you know that he killed Sasuke! He killed Hiruzen’s father!”

“I…” Jing’s body shook, and a deep determination still flashed in his eyes, “I am willing to use my life to exchange for his life! It is me who caused all this today…”

Hashirama looked at him deeply, and the boy’s face was intertwined with fatigue and sadness, as well as a strong sense of self-blame. He sighed softly, “I… will try my best.”

“Yeah!” Jing nodded heavily, and his body disappeared instantly.

“Finally, I can use my full strength.” Shen Yu raised his lips.

Suddenly, his sword flashedFlash, slashed hundreds of sword qi in one breath, green streams of light crisscrossed and slashed, and the air was torn with a “buzzing” sound.

Hashirama stood still, and as his hands were raised one after another, huge tree roots kept emerging from the ground. He was like a conductor standing in front of the stage waving a baton, and those trees that rose and fell were his symphony orchestra.

“Crack, crack!”

The sword qi slashed into the bushes, like a mud cow entering the sea.

The broken branches and leaves were messy like cotton wool, but no sword qi could break through Hashirama’s defense. The entire coast was covered with a forest of hundreds of meters in radius.

Shen Yu was holding a sword in his hand, leaning forward in the air to gather momentum, using the water barrier as a pedal, and kicked hard!


The air was rippled with visible ripples, and a stream of light flashed by. Shen Yu turned his body into a knife, penetrated through layers of gas explosions, and instantly sank into the woods.

The trees broke and fell, and a huge knife mark was plowed out of the entire forest. The green light penetrated the forest directly, and crashed into the rocks a hundred meters away with billowing smoke and dust!

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated, revealing the situation inside.

Shen Yu maintained the posture of thrusting the knife straight, but Hashirama put his palms together, firmly fixed the blade, and the tip of the knife was only a few centimeters away from his lips, flashing an intimidating cold light.

Shen Yu raised the corner of his mouth, and his right hand slightly twisted the handle of the knife, and the blade flashed a green light!

The dazzling knife light burst out from the tip of the knife. Hashirama slapped the blade as if he had predicted it, and avoided the sharp edge. The green light tore the earth and split the low mountain behind him into two!

Hashirama took advantage of the situation and turned around to approach Shen Yu. His right fist burst out with surging chakra flames, carrying the power of overwhelming mountains and seas, and rushed straight to Shen Yu’s chest.

Before the fist arrived, the wind suddenly rose!

Black air emerged, spreading rapidly like ink-stained rice paper, and instantly turned into an obsidian skeleton, covering Shenyu’s whole body.


After only a moment’s pause, Hashirama’s fist directly smashed Susanoo’s ribs, like a high-speed train, with a whistling sound of wind, and hit Shenyu’s chest hard!

The sound was like thunder, and the ground under their feet was instantly shattered!

The fist wind wrapped in blue flames, swung across Shenyu’s chest, emptying the waves, and the shock wave swept a hundred meters!

Shenyu smiled at the corner of his mouth, not only did he not retreat half a step, but grabbed Hashirama’s wrist, “Is this a strange power? It’s just like this!”

“What!” Hashirama was shocked in his heart, and the moment he looked at each other, he saw the boy’s eyes flashing with bloodthirstiness!

Shenyu’s lower body was as stable as a mountain, sinking his shoulders and twisting his waist, and the monstrous power of a wild beast suddenly erupted, throwing the stunned Hashirama far away!

“Swish, swish, swish!”

He instantly slashed twelve times in the direction of Hashirama. In the dazzling green light, black air spread wildly, the skeleton reappeared, the bone arm and the sharp blade grew rapidly, a wisp of black flame burned along the sharp blade, and slashed out with the bone arm!

The air explosion surrounded by black flames tore through the sea, chasing the twelve green sword qi through the air.


The water waves rushed up to the sky, and the dazzling slash directly blasted Hashirama into the sea!

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