Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

Senju Tobirama stood in front of the window with his back to the desk. A sad face was reflected on the smooth glass.

After a few days of rest, although his injuries had temporarily recovered, his complexion still did not improve. He seemed to have suddenly aged by dozens of years.

In fact, he had learned everything from Jing. After learning that Shen Yu would not attack Konoha for the time being, he moved back to the village from the secret base.

A few days ago, Jing teleported to the base through the “Flying Thunder God Technique” and reported the battle situation to Tobirama at that time.

In addition to the five-year agreement, he wrote everything that happened between him and Shen Yu in the mission report, including the process of the two fighting and what they said to each other.

Of course, the transaction with Shen Yu, the voluntary sacrifice of his eyes in exchange for five years… these things were all passed over by Jing.

This simple explanation certainly couldn’t fool Tobirama, so the explanation given by Jing for the reason why Shenyu retreated was:

Shenyu’s real purpose was not to destroy Konoha Village, but to obtain his own Mangekyō Sharingan.

Tobirama nodded frequently, because he knew that Madara had transplanted the eyes of the dead Izuna to gain such a powerful power.

Jing explained that because of the nature of his own pupil technique, Shenyu had no way to deal with him. If he was too light, he would not be able to take him down, but if he was too heavy, he would damage the eyes that he had been thinking about.

Therefore, even if he had the power to destroy himself in an instant, he was still afraid of using the weapon and was stretched to the limit.

Tobirama was so smart that he grasped the key point almost instantly and raised his doubts:

“Didn’t he threaten you with the village?”

Jing’s answer was:

“Yes, I would destroy my eyes directly, and he would have no choice but to retreat in anger.”

In response, Tobirama first praised his disciple’s will of fire for sacrificing his life, and then warned him with a serious face:

“Be careful, Shenyu will not give up the eye, so you must be alert in the future and not give him a chance.”

Tobirama was a cautious person. He read the mission report handed over by Jing over and over again, word by word, trying to understand Shenyu’s intentions and analyze the intelligence.

Then, he came to a terrible conclusion.

With his current strength, if he appeared in Shenyu’s field of vision, he would be dead.

In addition, there was another piece of news that made him very concerned.

When the two brothers were fighting in the Valley of the End, Kagami was accidentally punched into the chest of the statue of Uchiha Madara by Shenyu. Shenyu accidentally blurted out:

‘Oh, how unlucky, it took Madara-sama 6 years to grow this piece of meat. ‘



What kind of external injury actually takes 6 years to heal?

Speaking of which, after the battle that year, Tobirama rushed to his brother’s side as soon as possible and also noticed a blood scab on his shoulder.

That wound was not caused by any blunt or sharp weapon, but more like… a bite mark.

But because he had to concentrate on dealing with Shenyu at the time, he didn’t care, but just sneered at Madara in his heart, saying that a person who has been pursuing elegance in battle all his life actually showed such a beast-like side.

Could it be… Madara bit off a piece of his elder brother’s meat back then?

He vaguely realized that this matter was full of weirdness, and Uchiha Madara… was very likely to have transplanted his brother’s flesh and blood.

This couldn’t help but arouse his high suspicion?

Why did Madara do this?

Could it be that by combining the power of Senju and Uchiha, he could awaken a stronger power?

On that rainy night six years ago, Madara faked his death and escaped, and disappeared from everyone’s sight since then. What was he planning behind the scenes?

He was silent for a long time, puzzled.

But now he has no time to think about these things, because there are more serious situations waiting for him to deal with.

On the day he returned to the village, he also brought back a body and a sad news.

His brother, Senju Hashirama, died.

He himself was seriously injured and had a root cause. Once the chakra exploded, he would feel heartbroken and his life would be hanging by a thread, which was considered to be the loss of the Kage-level combat ability.

This is a very serious internal injury. If you want to recover completely, it will take at least ten or eight years.

That night, all the senior executives held a meeting, and a fierce quarrel broke out in the conference room of the Hokage Building.

80% of the people think that the death of Hokage should not be announced, especially in this critical situation where Sasuke Sarutobi is dead and Tobirama Senju is seriously injured.

The new generation has not grown up yet, and the village is already seriously lacking in Kage-level combat power. If it is announced at this time, it will be tantamount to showing weakness to the other four major ninja villages!

The other 20% of the representatives, led by the Senju clan, believe that Hashirama Senju devoted his life to the cause, not only founded Konoha Village, but also set a precedent for the ages.He ended the Warring States Period. With such great achievements, such a person should have a grand funeral, so that the whole world can mourn him, and he should not die in obscurity.

Both sides held their own views and argued endlessly. Finally, Uzumaki Mito spoke up and insisted on holding a funeral, but there was no need to announce it to the world, just notify all the villagers of Konoha.

To this, Tobirama could only frown and agree.

He was actually on the rational side. This way of covering one’s ears and stealing the bell could not be concealed for long.

So, three days later, Konoha Village held a grand funeral for this “God of Ninja”, and all the villagers of Konoha came to mourn.

As the sad and solemn eulogy was slowly read, everyone burst into tears and mourned the “God of Ninja” who pacified the troubled times.

His real cause of death was kept secret by the top leaders, and it was only announced to the outside world that he was exhausted and his life span had ended.

But Tobirama knew very well that when Shenyu attacked Konoha that night, the shadows of the other four major ninja villages were all at the scene!

Once the news leaked out, anyone with a discerning eye would see that it was Kamiya who killed the “God of Ninja”.

But this is not bad news.

Tobirama once used the information that “Madara faked his death” to scare the other four major countries for six years, so now Kamiya’s reputation must be used.

He pressed his temples, but the fatigue in his eyes could not be resolved.

On the night of Hashirama’s burial, he was unanimously voted by the top leaders to become the “Second Generation Hokage” of Konoha Village.

Although when his eldest brother was still alive, his work was no different from now, but when he really sat in this position, he could feel the responsibility and pressure of being a Hokage.

The current situation of the village is not optimistic. There are only a few Kage-level strongmen with the highest combat power left.

The three most capable fighters were either dead or disabled, and the clan leaders of the major families had been living in comfort for too long and neglected to practice, and had long since spent more time fighting for power. Except for Hyuga Harukaze, none of them had the strength of the Kage level in the past.

The strongest of the new generation, such as Hiruzen and Danzo, were only the strength of a mere jonin.

The previous wave was not enough, and the next wave was not enough. Strong enemies surrounded them, and there were internal and external troubles!


Tobirama suddenly raised his head, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

There is another one… Uchiha Kagami!

In the Uchiha clan, Kagami suddenly sneezed, scaring the girl in front of him, and the three-colored dumplings in his hand fell to the ground with a “pop”.

“Oh, sorry, Yuko, I’ll take you to buy another one.”

The girl blushed and shook her head, her black ponytail swaying, “No need, Jing-kun, you’ve been under a lot of pressure recently, take care of yourself.”

Jing scratched his head a little embarrassedly, “Taking care of you is the task given to me by the clan leader, after all, you are his biological sister.”

“Actually…” Uchiha Yuko put her hands behind her back and tiptoed shyly, “Jing-kun, don’t take this as a task…”

She opened her beautiful eyes, a touch of courage flashed in her black eyes, she raised her head, pecked Jing’s face lightly, and then ran away with a red face.

Only Jing was left standing there dumbfounded…

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