Time passed quickly, and half a month had passed in the blink of an eye.

The whole Cloud Hidden Village was in a state of anxiety and excitement.

After such a long time, they still hadn’t waited for the return of the First Raikage. The top leaders sent dozens of teams to search, but there was no trace of him.

The entire Cloud Hidden Village, including the First Raikage, seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth.

The people in the village were in panic, especially after they had just experienced the “Eight-Tails Runaway Incident”. At this moment, they urgently needed a backbone to stabilize the people’s hearts.

As time fermented, everyone had bad speculations.

Could it be that… Lord Raikage and his men were assassinated! ? ?

But who has the courage? Who has the strength?

Besides, Lord Raikage went to Konoha Village to attend a banquet, and no one saw them since then…

Hmm? Konoha! ! !

Could it be that Konoha had plotted against Lord Raikage?

Did Konoha plot against Raikage?

Konoha killed Raikage!

The news spread like wildfire, and before we know it, it was all over the Hidden Cloud Village.

The representatives were filled with righteous indignation and wrote a joint letter, determined to seek justice from Konoha.

Just when the top leaders were worried, Aruda… woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he immediately held a meeting in the Raikage Building, and all the top leaders were present.

Even the usually unruly brothers Jin and Yin attended the meeting obediently, which made the major families look at him with admiration.

“I think we should immediately launch a just invasion of the Land of Fire, attack Konoha, and seek justice for Raikage-sama!”


“Eluda, do you know what you are talking about!”

“This, this, this… isn’t right, Eluda, everyone knows that you and Lord Ai are as close as father and son, but to act so rashly is really a reckless act!”

“Little Eluda, you grew up under my watch, you are not such a reckless person…”

Eluda slammed the table and stood up, saying something shocking, “Konoha is bullying too much, are we going to put up with it? Lord Ai established the Hidden Cloud Village to shelter you cowards? Is this how you inherit the will of thunder!”

“Hey, you are too excited, at least send someone to Konoha to verify…”

“Are you stupid? If it was done secretly, how can people admit it?” Silver Horn interrupted.

“Konoha is not the kind of hidden village that dares to do but not to take responsibility, and I believe in the character of Mr. Hashirama.” The elder of the Night Moon Clan expressed his opinion.

Jinjiao said in a deep voice: “Trust me, this is just a waste of time and manpower.”

The meeting of Kumogakure was mostly reckless, and everyone held their own opinions. The more they argued, the more excited they became. In the end, they directly overturned the table, rolled up their sleeves, and even cursed in anger.

In short, once Eruda’s plan was proposed, it was opposed by the majority. The meeting was temporarily postponed, and the senior officials left unhappily.

Three days later, the delegation sent to Konoha disappeared again, and Eruda held a second meeting that night.

This time, he still stubbornly insisted on attacking Konoha, but there were still many voices of opposition.

The crowd was excited and the argument became more and more fierce.

Finally, Eruda proposed to vote for the senior elders who held opposing opinions, and let them lead the team to Konoha to discuss the matter and inquire about the whereabouts of the first Raikage and the Kumogakure delegation.

A week passed, and there was no news of the sent elders, and they never came back.

The third meeting was held.

“Konoha really bullied me too much. Can they bully us at will by relying on Hashirama Senju?”

This time, there were fewer voices opposing Aruda’s angry speech.

“This should be an accident, right? After all, the wandering ninjas in Jilei Gorge have been rampant recently. What do you think… should we send another team to try?”

Jinjiao said in a muffled voice, “Trust me, don’t die, it’s useless.”

Yinjiao showed a provocative smile, “Elder Yeyue, how about you lead the team this time?”

The old man, who was nearly sixty years old and had a frosted face, immediately shut up.

Many smart people saw the situation clearly and had quietly started to take sides.

But because Hashirama Senju was famous, many people were worried that the future of the Hidden Cloud Village would be directly extinguished, and they could never reach a unified opinion.

But the balance of the situation had begun to tilt, and most people seconded Aruda’s proposal and hated Konoha.

It was not until three days later that a piece of news reached the Hidden Cloud Village.

“The first Hokage of Konoha Village, Hashirama Senju, who was known as the ‘God of Ninja’, has died!”

Aruda convened a meeting again, and the theme was still the proposal to attack Konoha.

This time, no opposition was heard, and only a few wise old men were still hesitating.

“If you have any doubts, just raise them.. “Eruda knocked on the table, “I’ll add that just yesterday, this proposal has been agreed to by the daimyo.”

“This… conquering Konoha is important, Konoha will give us justice no matter what, but…”

“But we are leaderless, so we are bound to fail…”

Eruda smiled slightly, “Simple, I will become the Raikage, right?”

The direction of the meeting was changed, and the top leaders were all resolute and decisive, and immediately began voting.

What is surprising is that the Gold and Silver brothers, who hold a considerable majority of the votes, also agreed that Eruda would become the second-generation Raikage!

Without any surprise, Eruda officially became the second-generation Raikage with a unanimous vote, and issued a notice to raise troops to conquer Konoha!

As soon as the news came out, the crowd was in an uproar!

In the unnoticed izakaya, Shenyu was drinking tea in a private room on the second floor, looking at the busy streets outside the window, with a smile on his lips.

“You have started a war in this way. “Guang sat opposite him with her chin in her hand, her long sleeves slid down, revealing a small section of her snowy arms.

Shen Yu said lightly: “War will come sooner or later, I just slightly adjusted the time.”

“Besides…” He took a sip of tea, “We have ordered Eruda not to harm civilians. This is a war only against ninjas.”

Guang just looked at him, her almond eyes bright, for a long time.

“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” Shen Yu noticed her gaze.

“Sometimes I wonder, what are you planning? Is it really just to get the same power as Madara-sama?” Guang’s voice was cold, like an orchid in the valley.

Shen Yu smiled, “Since you don’t know anything, then you dare to help me? Aren’t you afraid that I will sell you out?”

“Tsk.” Guang curled his lips and muttered softly, “You don’t dare. ”

Shen Yu smiled but did not answer, turning his head to look out the window.

According to his plan, one day in the future, he will not only be able to obtain the Eternal Mangekyo that incorporates the power of Hashirama’s cells, but even Guang will be able to obtain the power of Hashirama’s cells.

Over the years, Guang’s eyesight has been declining. Fortunately, life in the base is very peaceful and there is no need to use the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Guang has no blood relatives in this world. The only way to protect this pair of Mangekyo Sharingan is to obtain the power of Hashirama’s cells.

But in Shen Yu’s opinion, Madara-sama’s method of transplanting Hashirama’s flesh and blood is too tyrannical. That kind of extreme pain is not something that ordinary people can bear.

What’s more, Guang is just a girl.

In addition, there is a more gentle way, which is to directly transplant the flesh and blood of White Zetsu.

The so-called White Zetsu is actually the product of the Outer Path Demon Statue. Its true body is the “Infinite Moon Reading” sealed in the God’s World by Kaguya Otsutsuki thousands of years ago. The human in the tree has a strong power of the sacred tree in his body.

By mistake, a part of the White Zetsu merged with Hashirama cells under Madara’s transformation, and the Yang Release Chakra in his body became more powerful. The Uchiha Obito of the original time and space transplanted the body of this special White Zetsu to ensure the recoverability of the pupil power.

The pain caused by the fusion of Hashirama cells has been completely absorbed by the White Zetsu, and the White Zetsu already contains countless human genes, so the adaptability of the flesh and blood of the White Zetsu is very strong.

Under its transition, there will be basically no pain after the transplant, and there will not even be the most basic immune rejection.

With the blessing of the self-healing factor of the Yang Release power, Obito can continuously repair the optic nerve, and to a certain extent avoid the blindness effect of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

But this will have to wait until Madara opens the Samsara Eye to summon the Outer Path Demon Statue from the moon. If it really waits until that time, Guang can become a mother-in-law.

Therefore, Shen Yu’s current plan is particularly urgent!

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