In Konoha Village, the next morning, Jing was called into the laboratory by Tobirama.

“Adjusting the ratio of the fusion agent is always a time-consuming and laborious process, but we all know that once you lose your eyesight, the front line will collapse immediately.” Tobirama said seriously: “Time is running out.”

“So, teacher, what you mean is…” Jing knew that Tobirama called him here, so he must have an idea.

“The mutual fusion of gene fluids requires a lot of experiments to obtain data. Obviously, we can’t afford to spend time or resources.”

Tobirama looked at him and said slowly: “I remember that your pupil technique can not only observe the future in front of you, but also change the possibility of the future by consciously interfering with reality, so as to choose the direction you decide?”

“That’s right.”

Jing nodded, thinking that he was worthy of being a teacher, and he actually understood my pupil technique so thoroughly.

“That’s good, I plan to use your predictive ability to avoid failed fusion ratios, so as to greatly reduce the number of experiments.” Tobirama explained and took him to a new experimental instrument.

This is a machine that can automatically control the solubility ratio. By inputting different numbers, it can produce solutions with corresponding solubility, and then control the genetic fluid of the pillar and the genetic fluid of the mirror to merge.

With the careful introduction of Tobirama, the mirror quickly learned to operate this instrument.

“Next, open “Takamagahara”. In order to avoid excessive loss of the left eye, you need to make your thoughts turn as fast as possible…”

Tobirama pointed to the glassware in the glass, “Choose a good ratio, and the genetic fluid will be integrated immediately. Whether it is success or failure, it is in the future you can see.”

“I understand!”

The mirror opened his eyes wide, and the kaleidoscope of his left eye was spinning. His fingers were placed in front of the instrument. Although he hadn’t moved yet, countless timelines appeared in his eyes, like a complicated fork in the road.

As the thoughts in his mind kept changing, the future in the vision of “Takamagahara” was constantly flashing, and countless pictures flashed as fast as movie films, and each picture was one of the possibilities of the future.

But without exception, all of them were failures!

His face was calm, but his brows were slightly wrinkled, and a little cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He was obviously going through a great mental challenge.

Tobirama stared at Jing’s face, and he couldn’t help but feel nervous.

Time passed by minute by minute, and finally, after a long 2 minutes, Jing closed his eyelids tiredly and closed his Sharingan.

Tobirama noticed that his left eye was completely bloodshot and bright.

“I saw the future 14,000,605 times.” Jing opened his eyes, and although he didn’t do anything, he was panting.

“What’s the result?” Tobirama held his breath, and his right hand tightly grasped the handrail.

Jing stretched out a finger tremblingly, “Only one set of data is correct… and the only one!”

He carefully and solemnly entered a set of data, and then pressed the button.


The instrument ran and mixed rapidly until a drop of blue solution dripped into the glassware and merged with Jing’s gene fluid to become dark purple.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Then, a drop of golden solution flowed down the dropper and fell into the vessel along with Tobirama’s heart, which was about to jump out of his throat.


Strands of golden threads spread and diffused in the purple droplets, and finally, with a slight tremor, the droplets slowly turned into red gold, and finally calmed down without any more waves.


The long-lost excitement on Tobirama’s face, he grabbed Jing’s hand, his pupils trembling: “It’s unimaginable! Jing, you have accelerated our progress by decades!”

“This set of data is too important!”

“If it weren’t for your pupil technique, even if there were sufficient resources, I don’t know how long I would have to experiment alone. It would be impossible to complete the experiment before the end of the war! You…accomplished a feat!”

Jing squeezed out a smile, his eyes full of fatigue and said: “So, can I inject the gene fluid now?”

“Almost!” Tobirama quickly wrote down the last data input by Jing, and hurried, “Don’t worry, the next task is to try to inject the gene fluid into your cells. After confirming that everything is normal, you can inject it. There is only one chance, and we can’t be careless!”

He immediately got to work, “Your cell samples have been obtained before. During this period, you can go to rest first…”

Konoha 14 years, early January.

The front-line Cloud Hidden Army regrouped and launched a fierce attack on Kikyo Mountain again.

Uchiha Kagami immediately rushed back to the Kikyo Mountain position and fought alongside his Konoha companions.

However, Kumogakure’sThe attack was extremely fierce, with a desperate momentum. The Hidden Cloud Village seemed to have sent out all its elite troops and would not stop until Mount Kikyo was conquered.

Kinkaku was fighting like crazy on the battlefield, and he was seriously injured and madly bombarded the Tailed Beast Ball at Mount Kikyo. If it weren’t for Jing’s withstanding his pressure and using the Flying Thunder God to transfer his companions in time, the Konoha army might have suffered heavy casualties.

But even so, the Sarutobi clan and the three tribes of Ino, Shikaku and Chou still lost many companions. Although they held their positions, Jing still blamed himself for this.

On the eastern front, the troops led by Uzumaki Mito had been fighting the second generation Raikage intermittently for several weeks. Although they temporarily restrained the opponent, the situation was not optimistic.

The reason was that the enemy changed its tactics. The second generation Raikage and Ginkaku split into two groups. The Raikage continued to sit in the position of the surprise attack troops, while Ginkaku started a guerrilla war, trying to bypass the interception army and go straight to Konoha Village.

This forced Mito to disperse some of his troops. Fortunately, there were members of the Hyuga clan in the team, so they could find the enemy in time before the enemy broke through the blockade.

But Ginkaku was as cunning as a loach. When Mito was not there, he would use his unparalleled skills to kill everyone. But when Mito came, he would never fight again. He turned around and ran away without even saying hello, completely without any martial ethics.

This went back and forth several times, making Mito exhausted and miserable, but he had to force himself to resist the attack of the Raikage.

At the end of February, Tobirama finally completed the cell sample experiment. After countless analyses and comparisons, the cell tissues of the mirror could be perfectly integrated with the gene fluid of the Hashirama, and the Yin escape and Yang escape reached a perfect balance and became one.

Next, he handed over all the affairs in the village to the senior management, and he spent all day and night in the research institute regardless of the hard work, just to improve the success rate of the experiment and extract some gene fluid from the Hashirama again.

He repeated the previous experiment several times, and after confirming that it was correct, he notified the intelligence team and let Jing return to the village.

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